json-schema-org / json-schema-spec

The JSON Schema specification
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Question: is schema information embeddable with the instances (actual data)? #660

Closed anatoli26 closed 5 years ago

anatoli26 commented 5 years ago

Sorry if this is something trivial and explained the docs, I'm trying to understand JSON (Hyper-)Schema, but it looks like I'm missing the most important aspect of how to utilize JSON Schema & Hyper-Schema in practice for RESTful APIs.

My doubt is whether the schema information is embeddable into the instance data replies (returned by the server) or they coexist in parallel? All the examples I've seen so far show the instance data and the scheme describing the corresponding entities in separate structures. Is it the only way possible?

Say, the client sends a request: GET /users, my typical JSON reply would be:

    "users": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "country: "Sweden",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "country: "Scotland",

So, my doubts are:

  1. How should I indicate that each element of the array is in fact an instance of user entity with a particular JSON Schema definition (the schema definition being either embedded in the results or provided as a URI)?
  2. How should I indicate (in the hypermiedia/HATEOAS sense) that only the 2nd item is editable (i.e. PUT/DELETE allowed on the 2nd item, but not allowed on the 1st)? Is Hyper-Schema a hypermedia format? Could it be used like e.g. HAL or Mason with dynamic links based on each query conditions?

With respect to the 1st question, I understand how to construct JSON Schemas. What's not clear to me whether the JSON Schemas are a static data that exists independently of the instance data and the client should first consult the schema and only after that it will know where to get pure instance data and how to interpret it OR there exists a way to embed the schema information (via links or other ways) to indicate which entities the instance data objects correspond to?

With respect to the 2nd question, my doubt is similar, i.e. are the hyper-schema definitions also static data and the possible actions (via "targetHints": { "allow": [...] }) should be managed via if then else conditions on certain properties (so I'd have to add special ad-hoc properties indicating if the instance is read-only or read-write) OR is there a way to embed this information (again, probably via links) into the actual data, like with Mason or Hydra?

In other words, is it possible to return with JSON Hyper-Schema something equivalent to the following?

    "users": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "country: "Sweden",
            "links": [
                    "href": "/users/1",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "method": "GET"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "country: "Scotland",
            "links": [
                    "href": "/users/2",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "method": "GET"
                    "href": "/users/2",
                    "rel": "edit",
                    "method": "PUT"
                    "href": "/users/2",
                    "rel": "delete",
                    "method": "DELETE"
    "links": [
            "href": "/users",
            "rel": "create",
            "method": "POST"
handrews commented 5 years ago

@anatoli26 Hyper-Schema is primarily intended to be used as a separate document from the instance data. Linking the two is discussed in section 10 of the Core spec (see also issue #601 for additional ideas).

As the hyper-schema is linked to the instance at runtime, there are several ways that Hyper-Schema can be a dynamic hypermedia format:

The first of these is the most flexible, although since one of the advantages of serving the hyper-schema as a separate resource is that it need not be fetched repeatedly at runtime, you can go overboard with it. But some good use cases are serving different a different hyper-schema based on the authorization level of the logged-in user, or on whether some back-end condition makes a particular state change impossible.

For {"targetSchema": {"allow": [...]}}, that is intended to be an optimization that saves the client an HTTP HEAD request, rather than being an exact specification of runtime method support. Usually, you include all of the methods that are likely to be supported. The server is free to decline a method at runtime for whatever reason (state conflict, method temporarily not allowed such as during a read-only upgrade window, lack of authentication or authorization).

Finally, you can use Hyper-Schema along with a format like HAL to augment HAL's capabilities. In such a case, you would just have a URI template consisting of a single variable- the field where HAL provides the complete URI.

Does any of this help? I know I'm kind of rambling on through several points here.

anatoli26 commented 5 years ago

Henry, thanks for you detailed and fast reply.

My 1st question is answered, though I got a new related question: if there's no way to specify a header (e.g. the media doesn't have the "header" concept), how should I pass this information, if the only 2 methods (the Link header and the Content-Type header suffix) are based on headers?

With respect to the 2nd question (the hypermedia use), do you mean that if returning a collection of resources (like the long example at the bottom of my initial question), there's no way to indicate a specific set of actions/relations for each item of the collection, without resorting to ad-hoc properties like {writable: true/false}?

One of my use cases is exactly what you've mentioned: serving different results based on the authorization level of the logged-in user, but the issue is that there could be several items in the same collection that have a particular set of actions/relations, not all of them.

Example: there is a list of comments for an article (GET /posts/123/comments), some of them belong to the logged-in user, others don't. The user would be able to modify/delete his own comments, but not the rest of them. Following the hypermedia/HATEOAS principles, the server could indicate what resources are editable, so with a single pass (i.e. without the need to query each item of the collection one by one with HEAD or OPTIONS requests) the client would get enough information to show to the user the list of comments, some with the controls to edit/delete them.

The server knows which comments belong to the user so it could embed corresponding links for actions/relations to each comment like in my example. But if there's no way of embedding Hyper-Schema information on per-item basis, the only way to handle this is by adding ad-hoc properties to each entity of the system?

In this case, won't we have a polluted schema definition? Won't it affect the allowed fields to be sent to the server on POST/PUT requests? Sure we could somehow ignore these ad-hoc properties (though there could be unnecessary issues at validation), but that doesn't sound like a clean approach, does it?

According to the definition of the HATEOAS constrain:

Having accessed an initial URI for the REST application — analogous to a human Web user accessing the home page of a website — a REST client should then be able to use server-provided links dynamically to discover all the available actions and resources it needs. As access proceeds, the server responds with text that includes hyperlinks to other actions that are currently available. There is no need for the client to be hard-coded with information regarding the structure or dynamics of the REST service.

What are the best-practices to use Hyper-Schema to comply with it? I can't understand how the server could indicate dynamically the aspects of each resource without resorting to ad-hoc properties. If there is actually no clean way to use Hyper-Schema for HETEOAS constrain alone, what are the best practical implementations of combining Hyper-Schema with other specifications?

My objective is to be able to define a fully RESTful client automatically based on the schema/api definition (with a reasonable level of manual refinements for specific customizations). JSON Schema + Hyper-Schema looks like almost a complete standalone solution.

anatoli26 commented 5 years ago

Additional thoughts. AFAICU, JSON Scheme is static in nature. That makes sense as the entities' definitions don't change often and we can manage the changes with schema versions. But AFAIK, the hypermedia is dynamic in nature, it needs to be able to communicate a varying state on each server reply. At the same time, as Hyper-Schema is a vocabulary extension of JSON Schema, it probably inherits its static nature.

What I would like to understand is if the inherited static nature of Hyper-Schema is its fundamental limitation or there are approaches that I'm not aware of to make it dynamic.

If there is no way to make it dynamic, IMO it's not well suited for the hypermedia as the engine of application state specification. In this case, probably some other HATEOAS specification that supports actions, like Mason or Hydra, could be used with JSON Schema to achieve the goal of (almost) fully automated client definition based on server-provided information.

If this is actually the best approach, do you know any such combination, defined in a ready-to-use specification, or successfully implemented as a custom solution in some project? The only specification I'm aware of is the Web Thing Model, but it is targeted specifically at IoT communications, not well suited for generic RESTful APIs.

handrews commented 5 years ago

if there's no way to specify a header (e.g. the media doesn't have the "header" concept), how should I pass this information, if the only 2 methods (the Link header and the Content-Type header suffix) are based on headers?

If you use a media type anywhere (in a configuration file, for example), you can use the media type parameter form. Otherwise, there is no specific recommendation for linking schemas and instances. This is for two reasons:

do you mean that if returning a collection of resources (like the long example at the bottom of my initial question), there's no way to indicate a specific set of actions/relations for each item of the collection, without resorting to ad-hoc properties like {writable: true/false}?

Per RFC 7231, whatever representation you receive from doing an HTTP GET on a resource is the representation of that single resource. If that resource happens to overlap with other resources, as is the case with collection resources, that is part of your resource design and not part of HTTP's semantics. You can, with hyper-schema, have a separate link defined for each of the items in the collection, using the array form of the items keyword, and set targetHints or any other field to different values for each link.

For a variable-length/variable-content array, you would presumably need to generate the hyper-schema each time the collection is requested. If the array is relatively static, you could make use of caching, but if it is very dynamic you would re-generate the hyper-schema each time.

But if there's no way of embedding Hyper-Schema information on per-item basis, the only way to handle this is by adding ad-hoc properties to each entity of the system?

This is a false dichotomy. Hyper-Schema is not embedded, hyper-schema is linked. But hyper-schema can include per-item Link Description Objects, and the set of of such things can be generated and linked dynamically for each request. So neither of the options you list here are correct. It is dynamic, but it is not embedded.

In this case, won't we have a polluted schema definition? Won't it affect the allowed fields to be sent to the server on POST/PUT requests?

I don't know what you mean here. You seem to be assuming that the wrong schema will be linked? You are in control of what schema is linked at what time, and how accurate it is (does it reflect the runtime state at the time of request, or does it reflect all possible options, some of which may not be available at runtime? both designs are valid choices with different tradeoffs). So whether the hyper-schema is "polluted" or not (and I don't know what you mean by that) is up to you.

What are the best-practices to use Hyper-Schema to comply with it?

As shown in the draft-handrews-json-schema-hyperschema-01 examples, one recommended approach is to have an entry point resource which is either 204 No Content, or just an empty JSON object or some other "blank" resource. The point of this resource is to link your entry point JSON Hyper-Schema, which provides links to all other resources that are directly accessible from the entry point.

I can't understand how the server could indicate dynamically the aspects of each resource without resorting to ad-hoc properties.

Just dynamically choose which hyper-schema to link.

JSON Schema + Hyper-Schema looks like almost a complete standalone solution.

It is intended to be, although I would not call it quite complete yet, although it is complete enough to build a usable non-trivial API, depending on exactly what you want to convey. Hyper-Schema currently does the following things:

This means that the precise usage of the templated links relies on the client understanding how these things fit together with the given protocol, most often HTTP. e.g. the body of a PUT should conform to targetSchema, or that you can look at {"targetHints": {"accept-patch": "..."}} to figure out the request format for a PATCH.

It does not currently define exactly how to construct specific requests for specific purposes (e.g. "to turn the system on, PATCH the /state/enabled field to true"). This concept, referred to as Hypermedia Operations, is currently under active investigation, probably not for the next draft (hopefully out in November 2018) but the one after that.

I'm going to ignore your last comment for now as it seems predicated on the assumption that hyper-schema is static, which is incorrect. Please let me know if that point is still unclear.

anatoli26 commented 5 years ago

Henry, thanks again for so detailed reply.

A fundamental design principle of JSON Schema is that it MUST NOT impose any structural or field name requirements on instance documents. So while some people informally put a $schema property in their instance data, that is not and cannot be part of the JSON Schema specification.

This part was what I was missing. Now everything is much more clear.

For a variable-length/variable-content array, you would presumably need to generate the hyper-schema each time the collection is requested. If the array is relatively static, you could make use of caching, but if it is very dynamic you would re-generate the hyper-schema each time.

Does that mean that for each request/reply for a collection, the client would have to make an additional request for the dynamic schema generated for this reply? How would one implement that in practice? Should the server store the dynamically-generated schema with some persistence, or should it generate it again as if processing a new request, recalculating everything, but this time returning the schema information instead of the actual data?

Won't it imply double processing for the server with possible synchronization issues (the server state at the moment the client makes the schema request has changed and now it doesn't match the data request made previously (the time range between the data and schema requests would be in dozens-hundreds of milliseconds range, but the server state could have changed anyway))?

In this case, won't we have a polluted schema definition? Won't it affect the allowed fields to be sent to the server on POST/PUT requests?

I don't know what you mean here.

I was meaning that if we use if conditions, we would have to add an additional ad-hoc property to the entity (and as a result to almost all entities of the system), that is not part of it otherwise, e.g.:

    "users": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "country": "Sweden",
            "writable": false
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "country": "Scotland",
            "writable": true

The property writable is not part of the entity, but we'd have to (?) define it like this for the if schema condition to work properly (please correct me if I'm wrong):

  "$id": "https://example.com/user.schema.json",
  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "description": "A representation of a user",
  "type": "object",
  "required": [ "name", "country" ],
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
    "country": {
      "type": "string"
    "writable": {
      "type": "boolean"

So when the client prepares a POST request (creates a form for the user), it would have to know/decide what to do with the writable property as it should not be visible to the user and should not be sent to the server. This is what I mean by "polluting" the entity schema with ad-hoc properties only needed for the conditional fixed schema processing of the collections.

Is there a better approach for the conditional processing? My only limitation (and hence all these questions) on using Hyper-Schema for HATEOAS is to cleanly/efficiently (without double requests, double processing, etc.) indicate to the client all possible actions on a completely variable-length/variable-content (content in the sense of possible actions) collection of resources.

I'm going to ignore your last comment for now as it seems predicated on the assumption that hyper-schema is static, which is incorrect. Please let me know if that point is still unclear.

I was meaning that the schema information is not embeddable to the JSON data document and hence can't be attached to each collection element independently (please, excuse my poor terminology).

So, summarizing (as far as I could understand, please correct me if I'm wrong), for a variable-length collection of items of the same type, but each with a different set of possible actions, the only options available from Hyper-Schema are:

handrews commented 5 years ago

@anatoli26 my apologies for the long gap since your last post, things got very busy for me. Also, my apologies if I miss a point in here- I only have a bit of time to skim this and reply, and have not read back through the whole thing.

For a variable-length/variable-content array, you would presumably need to generate the hyper-schema each time the collection is requested. If the array is relatively static, you could make use of caching, but if it is very dynamic you would re-generate the hyper-schema each time.

Does that mean that for each request/reply for a collection, the client would have to make an additional request for the dynamic schema generated for this reply? How would one implement that in practice? Should the server store the dynamically-generated schema with some persistence, or should it generate it again as if processing a new request, recalculating everything, but this time returning the schema information instead of the actual data?

Both are possible and have their own trade-offs. Honestly, no one that I know of has gotten this dynamic with Hyper-Schema yet. I have a project for which I hope to explore these issues to get some real-world information on feasibility and best practices, but I'm not quite there yet. I'd love to hear from anyone who tries to make any of this work.

Won't it imply double processing for the server with possible synchronization issues (the server state at the moment the client makes the schema request has changed and now it doesn't match the data request made previously (the time range between the data and schema requests would be in dozens-hundreds of milliseconds range, but the server state could have changed anyway))?

Hypermedia in general has synchronization issues. By the time you receive a response, it is by definition potentially out-of-date. All multi-resource documents (such as this GitHub issue page, consisting of various HTML, CSS, JavaScript, image, etc. resources) have the problem that later-fetched resources can be out of sync with earlier-fetched ones.

The usual mechanisms for mitigating this should be employed:

I'll come back and respond to your other points when I get a bit more time.

anatoli26 commented 5 years ago

Hi Henry, thanks for your comments.

My previous questions were based on my initial, lightweight introduction to JSON Schema. Now, as I've just finished reading the entire specification (all three parts), draft-08 as it is now in the repo + 4 open PRs, everything became clear.

A side note, while reading the spec, I got numerous stack overflows in my mind and I had to debug the core dumps studying with a lot of attention the understanding-json-schema website. IMO, the specification itself would be much easier to understand if it had more real-world use-case examples + reformulation of some paragraphs, especially the hyper-schema part.

I still have doubts about some of hyper-schema aspects (especially the example in 9.4. "anchor", "base" and URI Template Resolution), mostly because the understanding-json-schema site has nothing about it and there are just a few examples in the specification itself, but I believe I can say now that I do understand the specification as such.

Returning to my main question about hyper-schema and HATEOAS for a completely dynamic, variable-length, variable-state collection, actually there's no need for the last 2 alternatives from my previous post (2 request to the server, one for the collection's instance and another for the schema describing the collection – or – for external specs, like HAL, mixed with JSON Schema).

Everything could be solved with high efficiency (even less traffic overhead than with JSON Schema + HAL) by utilizing annotations and additionalProperties.

So, the idea is to define the entity schema like this:

  "$id": "https://example.com/user.schema.json",
  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-08/schema#",
  "description": "A representation of a user",
  "type": "object",
  "required": [ "name", "country" ],
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
    "country": {
      "type": "string"
    "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "hateoas-flags.schema.json" }

and hateoas-flags.schema.json like this:

  "$id": "https://example.com/hateoas-flags.schema.json",
  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-08/schema#",
  "description": "The HATEOAS flags (hf) reusable schema",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "hf-change": {
      "description": "a flag that indicates whether the change (PUT) operation
                      is allowed on the resource",
      "type": "boolean"
    "hf-update": {
      "description": "a flag that indicates whether the update (PATCH) operation
                      is allowed on the resource",
      "type": "boolean"
    "hf-delete": {
      "description": "a flag that indicates whether the delete operation
                      is allowed on the resource",
      "type": "boolean"

Initially I didn't understand that additionalProperties was not some sort of a flag like true/false, but more like an include mechanism and false was just a particular case. So to begin with, we can cleanly add HATEOAS properties to the schema of every entity, that may need them, with just a single "include" line and the definition stays clean.

But then comes the issue of how to define these additional properties so they don't "pollute" the "resolved" entity schema, so that when an UI generator would have to prepare forms for user input it knows how to treat these fields without additional information. If we define the HATEOAS properties like any other property (like in the example above), then we'd have to craft special submissionSchema definitions for all entities that would incorporate these HATEOAS properties just to exclude them from the UI/request preparation.

This would become unmaintainable with anything but the most simple systems. And today we can avoid submissionSchema completely for most entities.

So then I discovered the readOnly annotation in the Validation part of the spec. At first it looked like THE solution, i.e.:

"hf-update": {
  "description": "a flag that indicates whether the update operation
                  is allowed on the resource",
  "type": "boolean",
  "readOnly": true

as, according to the specification:

If "readOnly" has a value of boolean true, it indicates that the value of the instance is managed exclusively by the owning authority, and attempts by an application to modify the value of this property are expected to be ignored or rejected by that owning authority. These keywords can be used to assist in user interface instance generation. In particular, an application MAY choose to use a widget that hides input values as they are typed for write-only fields.

So the UI generation tools may have to ignore these properties. But, after checking most of the UI generation libraries, I've discovered (besides that most were NOT interpreting this annotation at all) that the two that were taking it into account (json-editor and angular-schema-form), were showing these readOnly properties, but as disabled (actually read-only) fields, i.e. grayed-out.

This is how I came to a conclusion that a new annotation, similar to readOnly, would be needed to properly implement this approach.

My proposal is to introduce a new annotation stateData, similar to readOnly, for indication of a resource state. Its main intention is to add special properties that would be used by the server to inform the client about the state of each item of a collection. Mostly, it is for use in hypermedia to indicate if an item is read-only, modifiable, removable, etc. + possibly for the pagination fields like "meta": {"offset", "limit" } and such, but implementations could find additional use-cases.

Properties with this annotation SHOULD be excluded from user interface instance generation and the actual requests sent to the server. When the managing authority (i.e. server) doesn't expect to receive any indication of a resource state, it SHOULD ignore the properties with this annotation. [CREF1: validation of a request instance on the managing authority side could generate an assertion instead of just ignoring these properties.]

Other possible names I thought of: flag, stateFlag, meta / metaData, hypermedia / hypermediaAnnotation / hmData / hyperschemaAnnotation, stateIndication, hidden, invisible.

And the hateoas-flags.schema.json with this new annotation would look like this:

  "$id": "https://example.com/hateoas-flags.schema.json",
  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-08/schema#",
  "description": "The HATEOAS flags (hf) reusable schema",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "hf-change": {
      "description": "a flag that indicates whether the change (PUT) operation
                      is allowed on the resource",
      "type": "boolean",
      "stateData": true
    "hf-update": {
      "description": "a flag that indicates whether the update (PATCH) operation
                      is allowed on the resource",
      "type": "boolean",
      "stateData": true
    "hf-delete": {
      "description": "a flag that indicates whether the delete operation
                      is allowed on the resource",
      "type": "boolean",
      "stateData": true
    "hf-alter": {
      "description": "Or even as a single property, i.e. an array of allowed
                      operations on the resource",
      "oneOf": [
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string",
            "enum": ["change", "update", "delete"]
          "uniqueItems": true
        { "const": "all" },
        { "const": "none" }
      "stateData": true

So now the server could generate the collection this way:

  "users": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "country": "Sweden"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "country": "Scotland",
      "hf-change": true,
      "hf-delete": true
      "id": 3,
      "name": "John Stiles",
      "country": "Germany",
      "hf-alter": ["change", "delete"]

and the UI form generation tools would completely ignore these hypermedia properties as if they weren't defined.

This way the network and CPU efficiency of this solution would be much higher than of typical HATEOAS specifications with actions like Mason, Siren, Collection+JSON or HAL/CPHL (collection examples in the links), that normally provide an array of links for each item of a collection.

If you think this annotation could be added to the specification, I can submit a PR with the description following the same writing style as the readOnly annotation.

Also, I'd like to prepare examples for hyper-schema at understanding-json-schema website with your help.

I'd love to hear from anyone who tries to make any of this work.

I'm actually trying to develop a CRUD system for a client, defined entirely with the JSON Schema spec, with the main objective of generating client-side functionality (UI and behavior) entirely from the schema definitions and validating user input on client and server with some JSON Schema validation library. Probably I'd have to finish this project with just the forms auto-generated, as I couldn't find any UI lib for hyper-schema, but the intention is there.

handrews commented 5 years ago

IMO, the specification itself would be much easier to understand if it had more real-world use-case examples + reformulation of some paragraphs, especially the hyper-schema part.

This is not how specifications work. They are not tutorials. Someone else writes tutorials outside of the spec (ideally in the Understanding JSON Schema project, as you noted). WE WOULD ALL LOVE IT IF SOMEONE WOULD DO THAT. :-) However, I barely have time to write the spec.

handrews commented 5 years ago

additionalProperties is not an include. It is a single schema that applies to all properties not named in properties or matched by patternProperties. It's simple use case (when neither of the other two keywords are present) is for describing maps of uniform types- e.g.

    "type": "object",
    "additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"}

describes a map of strings to integers (JSON property names are always strings, of course).

You can more or less do "inclusion" with allOf, although keep in mind that schema validation is a constraint system (layering restrictions) and not a data definition system (additive functionality).

You are correct that the boolean schemas true and false are just special cases, though.

handrews commented 5 years ago

@anatoli26 this is getting into territory that I am not sure fits into hyper-schema, although it's probably going to be a while before I have time to dig through this and sort out the details. This is probably something you are better off discussing on slack channels (ours or apisyouwonthate) as there is a wide-ranging debate over what full hypermedia API controls should look like.

I'll probably come back to this after we get draft-08 done and see where we are then.

awwright commented 5 years ago

Since the answer to "is schema information embeddable with the instances" is "no", can we close this out or restate the question?

Relequestual commented 5 years ago

Closing given the above comment.