jsonnull / electron-trpc

Build type-safe Electron inter-process communication using tRPC
MIT License
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Improved Stack Trace #185

Open BrendanC23 opened 7 months ago

BrendanC23 commented 7 months ago

Is there a way to get a more detailed stack trace for an error that occurs during an electron-trpc call? For example, a Zod error results in this:


Matches.tsx:267 Uncaught TRPCClientError: [
    "code": "invalid_type",
    "expected": "object",
    "received": "null",
    "path": [],
    "message": "Expected object, received null"
    at _y.from (renderer.mjs:60:10)
    at Object.next (renderer.mjs:487:23)
    at V.M (renderer.mjs:469:21)
    at renderer.mjs:447:21

There's no line numbers in the stack trace that indicate where the error actually came from.