jsonresume / jsonresume.org

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generate a pdf #21

Closed KiaraGrouwstra closed 9 months ago

KiaraGrouwstra commented 9 months ago

for tracking purposes i figured i'd file a ticket here for the readme ambition to generate a pdf version for generated resumes, tho it seems this might not be as trivial as pandoc resume.html -o resume.pdf.

that said, i suppose there'd be intermediate options like going thru .odt format, which depending on the theme might be more successful.

levino commented 9 months ago

🤔 I think that will use quite a lot of computing time on the server. Currently it is a nextjs app run on vercel and using 10% of the included runtime of the plan. Allowing this expensive kind of computation for free might be too expensive and also makes it easier to dos the service.

On the other hand, the only way to produce a PDF that I see is to create a .html file from the resume.json, render it in the (potentially headless) browser (maybe with puppeteer) and then "print it to pdf". Which everybody can just do by hand imo. So instead of implementing a headless way to generate PDFs, I would rather tell people to open the html version of their resume and then "print to pdf" themselves. Do you not think that would cover most use cases, @KiaraGrouwstra ?