jsonresume / resume-cli

CLI tool to easily setup a new resume 📑
MIT License
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PDF export has bad page breaks #385

Open dcantatore opened 4 years ago

dcantatore commented 4 years ago

When exporting the resume to a pdf doesn't care about the content and just make a new page directly through the middle of content.

Am I correct in saying it is basically just screenshot'ing the html output and cutting it into "pages" for the pdf?

rbardini commented 4 years ago

resume-cli uses Puppeteer to generate PDFs:


I've also noticed cut-off text in the output, but not sure how it can be fixed. Maybe we can configure Puppeteer somehow to avoid that.

dcantatore commented 4 years ago

Yes, so it just calls puppeteers pdf method.

A way to work around this would be to check the DOM for things near the Y coordinate of the page breaks and modify with a div spacer or something along those lines. It's not that simple as lists etc. can't just be split. You would have to find sections and move them above or below the break.

Although the way I work around it locally is just print to pdf and it saves with logical page breaks. I'm not sure what the difference in puppeteer working headless vs a regular browser that would cause it to cut things so poorly.

rbardini commented 4 years ago

Since Chrome already handle page breaks without cutting off text, I would expect Puppeteer to do the same here, but it doesn't 😕

I hope there's a way to fix this without having to dynamically add page breaks to the DOM, as that would be pretty complex

NewDark90 commented 4 years ago

Have you tried changing the css with page break rules? That'd be the way to go if you haven't tried yet https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/p/page-break/

rbardini commented 4 years ago

The problem is where to add these page breaks. If we add them before each section, for example, we may end up with mostly empty pages, and injecting them dynamically is really tricky.

The best scenario would be for Puppeteer (or an alternative method) to print the page in a similar way as browsers usually do, respecting the layout flow.

thomasdavis commented 3 years ago

Just doing some issue cleanup, I believe the answer to getting all themes printing pretty to pdf is by inventing a convention/lib that every theme can leverage. Will think about it some more.

idenc commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to export the entire resume as a single page?

rjnienaber commented 3 years ago

For anyone else having an issue with this, I solved it by doing the following:


  "work": [{
     "breakBefore": true


.page-break {
  margin-top: 15px;
  page-break-before: always;


  {{#each resume.work}}
  {{#if breakBefore}}
  <section class="item page-break">
  <section class="item">
a-r-db commented 3 years ago

I ended up using google chrome and opening my html directly then printing to pdf.

schnerring commented 2 years ago

Is the issue related to Puppeteer PDF conversion not supporting flexbox and grid? I also had a look at the CSS spec.

It's just an idea, I haven't verified it. Gotta do some digging... I couldn't find any open issues on the GitHub Puppeteer repo.

thomasdavis commented 2 years ago

Turning any HTML into a PDF is always a sub-optimal experience.

This thread can stay open as a tips and tricks dump for ideas.

a-r-db commented 2 years ago

@thomasdavis thanks, I agree, but I had to produce over 50 Resumes, for about 3-5 different types of jobs I was applying to and 99% of theme were PDF format. Maybe it's a rare use case, but I did figure out a way to do it.

SethFalco commented 2 years ago

I think this is a bit out of scope for resume-cli to be honest. Themes should be using CSS properties like break-inside to control it, to break content appropriately.


One thing we could evaluate here though is if we can expose page/edge margins to the user, and configure a more sensible default.

AlecRust commented 1 year ago

Just to throw in my solution, as some other have done I replaced resume export cv.pdf command with manual Puppeteer using latest headless mode which works great: https://github.com/AlecRust/cv/commit/89187817378af7e87f996ae5e2f0e049206f4665