jsontypedef / json-typedef-codegen

A CLI tool that generates code from JSON Typedef schemas
MIT License
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Go: Use private interfaces instead of generating structs for discriminating types #67

Open diamondburned opened 1 year ago

diamondburned commented 1 year ago


This issue proposes that for the following JSON type definition:

  "Thing": {
    "discriminator": "type",
    "mapping": {
      "a": {
        "properties": {}
      "b": {
        "properties": {}
      "c": {
        "properties": {}

jtd-codegen should generate the following Go code:

type Thing struct {
    Type string `json:"type"`

    // Value can be the following types:
    //    - [A]
    //    - [B]
    //    - [C]
    Value thingValue `json:"-"`

func (t *Thing) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (t *Thing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

type thingValue interface {

type ThingA struct{}
type ThingB struct{}
type ThingC struct{}

func (ThingA) isThing() {}
func (ThingB) isThing() {}
func (ThingC) isThing() {}

The user would consume the API like so:

var t Thing

switch v := t.Value.(type) {
case ThingA:
    log.Println("thing contains type A")
case ThingB:
    log.Println("thing contains type B")
case ThingC:
    log.Println("thing contains type C")
    log.Println("thing contains unknown type")

If the user makes a mistake in the type-switch, the compiler will complain:

var t Thing

switch v := t.Value.(type) {
case ThingA:
    log.Println("thing contains type A")
case string:
    // does not even compile

This issue is an alternative to issue #49.




diamondburned commented 1 year ago

If I can get this project to build locally in Nix, I will probably file a PR for this.