jsor / jcarousel

Riding carousels with jQuery.
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Make carousel swipeable? #755

Closed jamminjames closed 9 years ago

jamminjames commented 9 years ago

I saw in a closed comment thread where you suggested using touchswipe with jcarousel. I tried that, but still can't get it to swipe.

I have both scripts called in the head, and tried what you suggested in the body, as well as some other things. My inner div id="carousel" and class="jcarousel", and this is what I have for the function in the body:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var carousel.jcarousel();
        wipeLeft: function() {
        wipeRight: function() {

I also tried something else I found:

$(document).ready(function() {
        timeout: 0,
        fx: 'scrollHorz',
        next: '#next',
        prev: '#prev' 

        wipeLeft: function() {
        wipeRight: function() {

...but nothing's working. Please help. Thanks!

jsor commented 9 years ago

Please setup a reprocuible test-case with everything you have so far.

jamminjames commented 9 years ago

How do I set that up? The only thing I didn't include in the above is the trigger code (or whatever you call it) in the body. I tried several different things, as I tried to include above, but looking at it now, it seems that didn't post. I don't see how to include code on this forum, so I'll attach this screenshot of it:


I put the html file here: https://github.com/jamminjames/carousel-test

Don't know where to put the .js files, but they are yours, plus the jquery.touchwipe.min.js file.

jsor commented 9 years ago

You're mixing in some code from another plugin (jQuery Cycle). Have you tried this: https://alexbudeanu.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/adding-swipe-to-jcarousel/

For reproducibe test-cases, use jsfiddle or codepen.

jamminjames commented 9 years ago

I just tried that, still not working. I have the carousel inside a wrapping div, like so:


jsor commented 9 years ago

Can you please setup a reproducibe test-cases on jsfiddle or codepen.