jsoverson / preprocess

Preprocess HTML, JavaScript, and other files with directives based off custom or ENV configuration
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ReferenceError: template is not defined #126

Open chrisathook opened 7 years ago

chrisathook commented 7 years ago

I keep hitting this error when trying to process a JS file.

There are no syntax errors in the file. Oddly this error only happens with i specify the file type is js

pp.preprocess(preprofile, {ieSupport: false},{type: 'js'});

if I don't declare a type it seems to just pass the file through without processing it at all

pp.preprocess(preprofile, {ieSupport: false});

[15:15:27] ReferenceError: template is not defined at eval (eval at getTestTemplate (G:\DOCS\Out Loud ANEW\internal projects\display-html5-compass\node_modules\preprocess\lib\preprocess.js:362:10), :3:21) at testPasses (G:\DOCS\Out Loud ANEW\internal projects\display-html5-compass\node_modules\preprocess\lib\preprocess.js:367:10)

stereokai commented 6 years ago

I hit the same error and a full npm install is what solved it.