jsoverson / preprocess

Preprocess HTML, JavaScript, and other files with directives based off custom or ENV configuration
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Fix: `getDeepPropFromObj` does not work #82

Open anseki opened 9 years ago

anseki commented 9 years ago

A following code in getDeepPropFromObj function in preprocess.js doesn't work:

  propPath.replace(/\[([^\]+?])\]/g, '.$1');

The .replace() method returns a replaced string, and it doesn't change a original string (i.e. propPath). The above code drops a replaced string. The replaced string must be received:

  propPath = propPath.replace(/\[([^\]+?])\]/g, '.$1');

A current code doesn't catch the properties that is named 2 or more length when VAR[PROP] style is specified. For example:

var src =
  'VAR.A: <!-- @echo VAR.A -->\n' +
  'VAR.B: <!-- @echo VAR.B -->\n' +
  'VAR.AA: <!-- @echo VAR.AA -->\n' +
  'VAR.BB: <!-- @echo VAR.BB -->\n' +
  'VAR[A]: <!-- @echo VAR[A] -->\n' +
  'VAR[B]: <!-- @echo VAR[B] -->\n' +
  'VAR[AA]: <!-- @echo VAR[AA] -->\n' +
  'VAR[BB]: <!-- @echo VAR[BB] -->\n'

  require('preprocess').preprocess(src, {
    VAR: {
      A: 'var.a',
      B: 'var.b',
      AA: 'var.aa',
      BB: 'var.bb'


VAR.A: var.a
VAR.B: var.b
VAR.AA: var.aa
VAR.BB: var.bb
VAR[A]: var.a
VAR[B]: var.b
VAR[AA]: undefined
VAR[BB]: undefined

A regexp in current code:


This matches one character, except ], +, and ?. I think that +? should have been a pattern not literal:


And, [^\]] is unnecessary because ? works:


Result by the above:

VAR.A: var.a
VAR.B: var.b
VAR.AA: var.aa
VAR.BB: var.bb
VAR[A]: var.a
VAR[B]: var.b
VAR[AA]: var.aa
VAR[BB]: var.bb

A current code doesn't discern a property name via VAR.PROP and VAR[PROP], and it splits also a property name of VAR[PROP]. For example:

var src =
  'VAR.A.B: <!-- @echo VAR.A.B -->\n' +
  'VAR[A.B]: <!-- @echo VAR[A.B] -->\n'

  require('preprocess').preprocess(src, {
    VAR: {
      A: {B: 'var.a.b'},
      'A.B' : 'var[a.b]'


VAR.A.B: var.a.b
VAR[A.B]: var.a.b

This PR discerns those. Result by fixed code:

VAR.A.B: var.a.b
VAR[A.B]: var[a.b]

This fixed code discerns also a name like VAR[AA].B[CC.DD][E] correctly.

BendingBender commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your PR. I've implemented it quick-and-dirty style and didn't test it. This was not meant to be part of officially documented functionality just yet.