jsoxford / hack

:heart: An evening hack at Render Conf :heart:
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Hack Guides #4

Closed benfoxall closed 6 years ago

benfoxall commented 7 years ago

This hack is going to be an open "whatever you want to build in 4 hours". With each attendee/team working on their own hack and showing it at the end.

Though we'd also like to give an option for people who want a head start or help with a particular hack topic/idea.

This is where Hack Guides come in.

As a Hack Guide, you'll help a group of people by supplying them with a template to hack on (this might be a fork-able repo on github, or jsbin example that can be cloned). Then you'll take your group through the technology, helping with their ideas or answering any questions as they go on.

Some example Hack Guides:

The important bit…

We're looking for Hack Guides at Render Hack

If there's something that you think would be fun for attendees, and that you'd be happy to lead a small group though - get in touch! Either comment in here, or drop be a message/dm on @benjaminbenben.

Some things:

AverageMarcus commented 7 years ago

I'd prob do something around chatbots. Need to have a think how we could do that as: 1) They're meant to be demoing a URL at the end 2) Need a slack team to work with and enough integration slots (Could set one up)

On another note, I've been wanting to look into browser based image detection and tracking. Might come up with something along those lines.


I'm Marcus - Interested in chatbots? I'll bring along my slack bot and show you how to add your own commands. Example slackbot: https://github.com/jsoxford/RenderHack-ExampleBot Test Slack team: https://renderconfhack.herokuapp.com/

omgmog commented 7 years ago

I'd like to do something with VR, and A-Frame is probably the easiest way to do it.

Multi-user VR experiences with A-Frame

I can base my template on the examples in this tutorial

I'll bring along some Google Cardboard v1 headsets (@benfoxall have you got any of those Google Cardboard v2 headsets going spare?) and I've got some A-Frame resources that I put together for the gamedevday.club hack-day last summer... (may need to update them to the newest A-Frame, but that's fine!)

A-Frame released a nice tutorial for beginners: https://aframe.io/aframe-school/

And for anybody local to Oxford, I can promote the Oxford's Virtual Reality Crowd meetup group! 😃

gfwilliams commented 7 years ago

I could do something with:

I also have some individual things (a plotter, or an Espruino word clock) but I'm not sure how we'd get a group to share those such that they could demo individually at the end.

I guess I could just bring 5 Espruino-powered contraptions an people could fight over them?

sammachin commented 7 years ago

I can do something with Nexmo and our Call Control Object language so you can write a simple JSON script which you can then cal via a phone. Or if people are more interested I can also show them how to build their first Alexa Skill and test it with a virtual echo in a web browser

AverageMarcus commented 7 years ago

@sammachin add you as a guide: https://github.com/jsoxford/hack/blob/master/_guides/sammachin.md

Feel free to edit as needed

benfoxall commented 7 years ago

@sammachin awesome! I guess NCCO stuff would be cool - would be nice to have some of the conference sponsor's tech along.

Shall I update your entry? https://github.com/jsoxford/hack/blob/master/_guides/sammachin.md I guess some text along the lines of:

I'll show you how to get started with receiving calls in a browser using Nexmo's NCCO language.

@gfwilliams great! I added an entry for you too: https://github.com/jsoxford/hack/blob/master/_guides/gfwilliams.md

It's completely up to you - I guess the main limiting factor is how tight we are on time (3.5h), so maybe something where people have something working from the start? I've got a couple of light strings too if you want them to add in?

Let me know, and I can update your entry (or just throw in a PR if you want)

@omgmog Do you want to update your description/content to be a bit more chatty? Something like

I'll bring along a few google cardboards, and provide you with a template to get started with a-frame.

omgmog commented 7 years ago

~I'll get on it.~ Done!

gfwilliams commented 7 years ago

Ok, great - @benfoxall you have 2 strings set up with Pucks already?