jspenguin2017 / uBlockProtector

An anti-adblock defuser for Nano Adblocker and uBlock Origin
GNU General Public License v3.0
748 stars 83 forks source link

kachelmannwetter.com #1078

Closed cobrafast closed 4 years ago

cobrafast commented 4 years ago

Test link (required): https://kachelmannwetter.com/de/wetter/2950159-berlin

Screenshot of the web page (including address bar and extension icons) (required):


Screenshot of the console (press F12 to bring up the console) (required):


Explain what was not right (optional if obvious):

At first, red boxes with the adblockuser text pop up, then one gets redirected to the adblockuser page.

Reproduction steps (optional if trivial):

Environment (Required):

Your filter lists (Required):


Your custom filters (Required if you have any):


Your other extensions (Required if you have any):

Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy, cookies.txt, Copy ShortURL, Dark Reader, Decentraleyes, Firefox Mulit-Account Containers, Geschlossenen Tab wiederherstellen, Google search link fix, Google Unlocked, HTTPS Everywhere, Imagus, Nano Defender, Open With, SoundFixer, Tampermonkey, Textarea Tabbing, uBlock Origin, YouTube Repeat Button, CSS Reloader

Add everything else that you believe to be useful below (optional):

Whitelisting like so https://x.ezl.re/20190814_143036.png seems to restore a functional website while still not displaying any ads.

liamengland1 commented 4 years ago

I can reproduce

cobrafast commented 4 years ago

After some trial and error, and contrary to my previous remark about whitelisting, it seems to be enough to add a local green box to "mairdumont.com" and "md-nx.com" only, as a workaround.

cobrafast commented 4 years ago

Thank you @mapx-, that worked. 😃

cobrafast commented 4 years ago

The problem appears to be back.

jspenguin2017 commented 4 years ago

Can't reproduce.

cobrafast commented 4 years ago

Seems to have been bouncing between working and not working the past couple days, but now seems to be consistently blocked again (i.e. the problem is back). Perhaps some servers served old scripts while they rolled out a new version? Would appreciate if you could check again.

jspenguin2017 commented 4 years ago

It's still working for me.

cobrafast commented 4 years ago

Hmm, there's also a PiHole running in my current network. Maybe that has something to do with it.

jspenguin2017 commented 4 years ago

Nano Defender does not support PiHole.

cobrafast commented 4 years ago

The following userscript prevents the most annoying part: the redirection to the adblock info page. However, some red adblock warning boxes remain:

(function() {
    // old workaround
      .setAttribute('data-value', 'payaccount');

    // new workaround
    var stopAdblock = document.createElement("div");
    stopAdblock.setAttribute("id", "stop-redirect");
    stopAdblock.setAttribute("data-value", "true");
jspenguin2017 commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce the issue on standard setup.