jsplumb / community-edition

The community edition of jsPlumb, versions 1.x - 6.x
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Unable to get the right connection popup message when I am connecting all the 5 nodes rightly to each other. #331

Closed piyushraw closed 2 years ago

piyushraw commented 2 years ago

I am unable to get the right connection message when I am connecting the nodes to each other. for example:: LF node to LF circuit node and so on.....

Html file::

`<!DOCTYPE html>

IIT Roorkee Logo

Virtual Labs IIT Roorkee
Biomedical Laboratory

Study of "Monopolar" Recordings

Figure 1:     "Monopolar" Recording

Brain left-hemisphere circuits





LF Left Frontal (LF) node of Frontal Lobe

LP Left Parietal (LP) node of Parietal Lobe

LO Left Occipital (LO) node of Occipital Lobe

LT Left Temporal (LT) node of Temporal Lobe

A1 Ear Lobe (A1)

Note:This Graph is for Testing purpose only.

` Javacsript file ; (function (ResetAll) { var xx = document.getElementById("reset") xx.onclick = showAlert; // Add onclick function to element function showAlert(event) { window.location.reload() } var yy=document.getElementById("check") yy.onclick=checkk; function checkk() { if (connections.length<5 || connections.length>5) { swal ({ title:"Try Again!", text:"Make all the connections first!", icon:"warning", button: "Try Again!", closeOnClickOutside: false, }) return } if (connections.length > 0) { var listDiv = [] for (var j = 0; j < connections.length; j++) { listDiv.push(connections[j].sourceId) listDiv.push(connections[j].targetId) } var f=0 for (var i=0;i<6;i+=2) { if (Number(listDiv[i][14])%2==0 && Number(listDiv[i][14])+1 == listDiv[i+1][14]) { f=1 break } if (Number(listDiv[i][14])%2!=0 && Number(listDiv[i][14])-1 == listDiv[i+1][14]) { f=1 break } if (Number(listDiv[i][14])+1 ==listDiv[i+1][14] || Number(listDiv[i][14])-1 == listDiv[i+1][14] ) { continue } else { f=1 break } } if (f==0) swal ({ title: "Connections Established!", text: "Right Connections!", icon: "Success", button: "Aww Yiissss!", closeOnClickOutside: false, }) else swal ({ title: "Connections Error!", text: "Wrong Connections!", icon: "error", button: "Oh noo!", closeOnClickOutside: false }) } } showConnectionInfo = function (listDiv) { console.log(listDiv) }, hideConnectionInfo = function () { listDiv.style.display = "none"; }, connections = [], updateConnections = function (conn, remove) { if (!remove) connections.push(conn); else { var idx = -1; for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { if (connections[i] == conn) { idx = i; break; } } if (idx != -1) connections.splice(idx, 1); } if (connections.length > 0) { var listDiv = [] for (var j = 0; j < connections.length; j++) { listDiv.push(connections[j].sourceId) listDiv.push(connections[j].targetId) } showConnectionInfo(listDiv); } else hideConnectionInfo(); }; jsPlumb.ready(function () { var instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({ DragOptions: { cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 2000 }, PaintStyle: { stroke: '#666' }, EndpointHoverStyle: { fill: "orange" }, HoverPaintStyle: { stroke: "orange" }, EndpointStyle: { width: 20, height: 16, stroke: '#666' }, Endpoint: "Rectangle", Anchors: ["TopCenter", "TopCenter"], Container: "canvas" }); // suspend drawing and initialise. instance.batch(function () { // bind to connection/connectionDetached events, and update the list of connections on screen. instance.bind("connection", function (info, originalEvent) { updateConnections(info.connection); }); instance.bind("connectionDetached", function (info, originalEvent) { updateConnections(info.connection, true); }); instance.bind("connectionMoved", function (info, originalEvent) { // only remove here, because a 'connection' event is also fired. // in a future release of jsplumb this extra connection event will not // be fired. updateConnections(info.connection, true); }); instance.bind("click", function (component, originalEvent) { alert("click!") }); // configure some drop options for use by all endpoints. var exampleDropOptions = { tolerance: "touch", hoverClass: "dropHover", activeClass: "dragActive" }; var color2 = "#316b31"; var exampleEndpoint2 = { endpoint: ["Dot", { radius: 9 }], paintStyle: { fill: color2 }, isSource: true, scope: "green", connectorStyle: { stroke: color2, strokeWidth: 5 }, connector: ["Bezier", { curviness: 15 } ], maxConnections:1 , isTarget: true, dropOptions: exampleDropOptions }; var e1 = instance.addEndpoint('control10', { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); // setup some DynamicAnchors for use with the blue endpoints // and a function to set as the maxConnections callback. var anchors = [ [0, 0.2, 1, 0], [0.8, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0.8, -1, 0], [0.2, 0, 0, -1] ], maxConnectionsCallback = function (info) { alert("Cannot drop connection " + info.connection.id + " : maxConnections has been reached on Endpoint " + info.endpoint.id); }; e1.bind("maxConnections", maxConnectionsCallback); instance.addEndpoint('control5', { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control11", { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control6", { anchor: [0.75,0 , 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control12", { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control7", { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control13", { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control8", { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] }, exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control14", { anchor: [0.75, 0 ,0, -1] },exampleEndpoint2); instance.addEndpoint("control9", { anchor: [0.75, 0, 0, -1] },exampleEndpoint2); instance.draggable(jsPlumb.getSelector(".drag-drop-demo .window")); var hideLinks = jsPlumb.getSelector(".drag-drop-demo .hide"); instance.on(hideLinks, "click", function (e) { instance.toggleVisible(this.getAttribute("rel")); jsPlumbUtil.consume(e); }); var dragLinks = jsPlumb.getSelector(".drag-drop-demo .drag"); instance.on(dragLinks, "click", function (e) { var s = instance.toggleDraggable(this.getAttribute("rel")); this.innerHTML = (s ? 'disable dragging' : 'enable dragging'); jsPlumbUtil.consume(e); }); var detachLinks = jsPlumb.getSelector(".drag-drop-demo .detach"); instance.on(detachLinks, "click", function (e) { instance.deleteConnectionsForElement(this.getAttribute("rel")); jsPlumbUtil.consume(e); }); instance.on(document.getElementById("clear"), "click", function (e) { instance.detachEveryConnection(); showConnectionInfo(""); jsPlumbUtil.consume(e); }); }); jsPlumb.fire("jsPlumbDemoLoaded", instance); }) }) ();
sporritt commented 2 years ago

please provide a codepen or similar.

sporritt commented 2 years ago

there's really nothing actionable here. please provide a codepen or similar. otherwise this issue will be deleted.