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Initial html/style refactor of JSPM.org [standards, tailwind] #48

Open yowainwright opened 3 months ago

yowainwright commented 3 months ago

Title says it all. Can update as work is done.



Upon further discussion, we don't have enough design reference to implement a redesign based on a framer doc the team has shared.

  • The framer doc implements awesome features for a landing page module but doesn't cover the standard components for what is currently on JSPM.org


Therefore, we will/can implement updates as close to what is currently implemented with the most basic Tailwind and Daisy UI styling. From there we, can implement other desired features such as dark mode and interactivity.

yowainwright commented 3 weeks ago

@Jarreddebeer just for reference. No pressure! Please update if needed/wanted!

Jarreddebeer commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you! on it