jspm / registry

The jspm registry and package.json override service
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Question: how much can I use dev.jspm.io? #1081

Closed mizchi closed 6 years ago

mizchi commented 6 years ago

I made https://github.com/mizchi/trans-loader It transforms import path to dev.jspm.io and cache them in service-worker.

I know dev.jspm.io is development only so I added caching feature, but this use case may cause traffic to dev.jspm.io if many people use this.

Sometimes I watched jspm.io is down in my development. So I want to know, how much can I use dev.jspm.io?

guybedford commented 6 years ago

The CDN is definitely designed to be production-level even if the workflows aren't. Stability and uptime at scale is a primary priority.

It would be great to get some details on what downtime you saw during development.

mizchi commented 6 years ago

OK. I believe so.