jspm / registry

The jspm registry and package.json override service
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Self-hosting JSPM? #1091

Open MilanKovacic opened 10 months ago

MilanKovacic commented 10 months ago

Hi, is it possible to self-host the JSPM. Are there any plans to offer this ability in the future?

guybedford commented 10 months ago

This has been on the roadmap from day one, but a prerequisite is making it available in a way that is maintainable. Work has never been prioritized on this because we first need to establish the project and build a team / community. But given those open sourcing the builder is a goal. I've even offered contributors in the past access to the codebase to work on making it open sourceable, no one has followed through yet on this though.

I think the natural course of development will be to start to open up the builder parts over time as they get refactored though. The project is just severely undermaintained, I'm mostly focused on the infrastructure stability side of things personally right now to ensure uptime and build reliability.

MilanKovacic commented 10 months ago

First of all, thank you for maintaining such a large number of projects that drive the ecosystem forward. I am willing to contribute, especially in the DevOps/developer experience segment, to make the maintenance easier, and hopefully bring in new contributors (not just for the registry, but for other related projects as well). What is the best way to contact you? It would be beneficial to understand the biggest pain points, and try to solve those first.

guybedford commented 10 months ago

Thanks for showing an interest here, it would be great to discuss your interests and where contributions could be made. My email is available from the footer on my website. Send me an email and let's arrange to discuss further.

joeldenning commented 10 months ago

@guybedford the company I work for might be willing to pay for an enterprise license that commercializes the jspm CDN for single-spa shared dependencies. Would you be interested in discussing it? We're still early on, so it wouldn't be a large amount of money at first.

guybedford commented 10 months ago

@joeldenning nice to hear from you! It's always great to see uptake of the service by companies and I'm always happy to assist in that process. Feel free to ping me to discuss. In terms of getting a license to the CDN, it would probably be a bit of a different scenario for building a product that is based on the CDN itself, since that is less self-hosting and more of a repackaging, but there could be a way to structure it, especially if it can help contribute to the sustainability of the project as a whole. Very much excited to see what you come up with there too.