jspm / registry

The jspm registry and package.json override service
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tinymce #752

Open martijnsenden opened 8 years ago

martijnsenden commented 8 years ago

Question. I'm new to using jspm. I'm looking into migrating an application to a modern architecture using es6, systemjs and jspm. I depend on all sorts of existing modules, one of which is tinymce. I see that this has been added to the jspm registry. Tinymce uses plugins that are loaded as they are requested. We have customized some plugins too. How does this work when using jspm and minifying code? Will tinymce still be able to find the plugins once code is bundled? Do I have to configure the tinymce package in any special way to get this to work?

guybedford commented 8 years ago

TinyMCE config was added in https://github.com/jspm/registry/pull/475/files and https://github.com/jspm/registry/pull/477. This config will ensure that plugins load correctly I believe although I have not personally tested it. SystemJS is generally designed that if something loads correctly in the browser it should bundle correctly, and this config looks correct to me for that. Minification is a separate step in jspm - it's advisable not to use minified files from packages in development, only to minify the final bundle as the production step.

im-martijn commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation. I am going to try it out.