jspm / registry

The jspm registry and package.json override service
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don't know how to use this github library #978

Closed pcompassion closed 7 years ago

pcompassion commented 7 years ago


It works fine if I do jspm install npm:react-big-calender However I'm trying to install via my forked github: because I want to modify the code. jspm install github:pcompassion/react-big-calendar doesn't create lib folder

systemjs fails to download lib/index.js and the file seems to be built by

   "scripts": {

     "build": "npm run clean && babel src --out-dir lib && npm run assets && npm run less",


new to npm and all, it's hard to guess what it needs to create lib/index.js

I've asked the question in SO as well http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39629513/jspm-install-github-library?noredirect=1#comment66565767_39629513

pcompassion commented 7 years ago

I asked the same question in jspm-cli. closing.