jspm / registry

The jspm registry and package.json override service
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Transpiling individual files that are outside the primary bundle? #984

Open dasch88 opened 7 years ago

dasch88 commented 7 years ago

In my app, there is a primary bundle that I download at the very beginning, containing many of the common references needed throughout the app. I created this bundle using jspm bundle app bundles/core-bundle.js --inject --minify

However, whenever the user navigates to another page in the app, it downloads any additional files that that specific page needs (e.g. the angular controller js file and dependencies that correspond to that page). Is it possible to use jspm to transpile and minify these individual files without bundling them together? I've been banging my head against this one for awhile and have come to the conclusion it isn't possible without just running traceur via gulp myself like this guy: http://stackoverflow.com/q/25677930/1603284. I would just rather not introduce gulp just for this if I don't have to

aluanhaddad commented 7 years ago

Is there a reason that you want individual files, as opposed to simply small bundles. I ask because I've had success with the multiple bundles approach in AngularJS apps. Bundle arithmetic works particularly well in this scenario.