Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software.
trying to update Vuejs3 component jspreadsheet-ce (excellent js library) with fastpi request. Vue component does not update whereas data seems to update correctly.
trying to update Vuejs3 component jspreadsheet-ce (excellent js library) with fastpi request. Vue component does not update whereas data seems to update correctly.
FastAPI main.py extract :
@app.get("/rr/") async def create_rr(): return {"data" : [[1,1,5.25], [2,1,5.26], [3,1,5.27],[3,1,5.27],[3,1,5.27]]}
{{dataTable}} update corretly but not I do not understand why component does not.