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How can we use UG student volunteer help? #15

Open steffejr opened 3 years ago

steffejr commented 3 years ago

Hello all, I am getting requests from some of my students where they want to volunteer and "get involved with research." My students are health science students with no coding experience.

I am trying to think of ways that students could help. They could be ad-hoc testers. I would put a task on JATOD and send them a link to test the tasks. They would run through a task and provide me feedback. I personally am getting sick of tired of testing the Stroop!

Does anyone else have any ideas? Or if I get a pool of volunteers maybe other people can have them test things?

The students would of course want this to be a resume item to help them along the way.


pjkohler commented 3 years ago

I think that would be nice. It would be good to get a new set of eyes on this Ebbinghaus experiment I have on the docket.

pjkohler commented 3 years ago

perhaps drawing up schematics of experiments that would be worth adding and finding stimuli for them? I would like to do the Shepard Mental Rotation experiment, but not sure what stimuli to use.

pjkohler commented 3 years ago

What is JATOD?

jodeleeuw commented 3 years ago

I've found that undergraduates with no previous coding experience can put together a jspsych experiment in a few weeks to months if motivated to work on it. It seems to me like coding a replication of a classic experiment is a perfect way to start learning. No tough decisions to make about research design. Just learning to use the tool to build it. And contributing to open source code bases is a great thing to show off on a resume.

steffejr commented 3 years ago

What is JATOD?

Sorry JATOS. https://www.jatos.org/ This is what I plan to use for running my jsPsych experiments.

pjkohler commented 3 years ago

Hadn't heard of that one. I've used Pavlovia so far, and will likely switch to Cognition.run going forward.

steffejr commented 3 years ago

I just tried out Cognition.run and it looks great.

pjkohler commented 3 years ago

@jodeleeuw: What is the most common format of the training you would provide to UGs learning jsPsych? Tutorials on the website, then videos, then ...? Any generalized guide to web development or javascript that you have found useful? Any git up front? I have actually found it somewhat hard to train UGs in using JsPsych, perhaps because I am still a beginner myself in many ways.