Closed luisalves00 closed 6 years ago
I found this:
@since 1.0 */ public class InterceptorExtension implements Extension {
so InterceptorBinding is actually added....Why it's not there in the first place?
The code from DS is the following:
Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = annotation.annotationType();
if (annotationType.isAnnotationPresent(InterceptorBinding.class))
how can we look at the changes made by the beforeBeanDiscoveryEvent.addInterceptorBinding?
if (beanManager.isInterceptorBinding(annotationType)) <-- should do the trick...nevetheless there's still some issues with the DS partial bean integration.
I'm using Deltaspike Repositories which uses Partial-Bean. Currently the interceptor for CacheResult doesn't work because it doesn't have @InterceptorBinding. Can/Should the @CacheResult (and the others) have the @InterceptorBinding? Or the spec doens't allow it?