jstejada / react-typist

Typing animations with React
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Fade In Letters #39

Open casesandberg opened 6 years ago

casesandberg commented 6 years ago

Is it possible for the letters to also fade in as they are being typed?

jstejada commented 6 years ago

Hmmm, there's no specific support for that right now.

How do you imagine this working? Would the next letter start to appear only after the previous one has completely faded in? In that case typist would have to know about the timing in the animation to schedule the next letter to type. Not sure if this would work, but as an initial thought maybe we could wrap each letter in a css class to provide a hook for css animations? And then maybe you'd need to provide a custom delayGenerator function to relay to coordinate the fade-in animation with the typing of letters. Idk if that would be enough

Do you have any ideas?