jstorimer / delayed_paperclip

Process your Paperclip attachments in the background with delayed_job or Resque.
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Resque enqueue #74

Open dflynn15 opened 11 years ago

dflynn15 commented 11 years ago

So I am trying to set this up using Resque, but I can't seem to understand where the enqueue is. I have a worker set up to listen for the queue paperclip, but it never seems to be caught. I am clearly missing something, but I can't fully understand what all is going on, so any help or further explanation would be great.

My model:

require 'open-uri'

class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :approved, :entry_text, :reviewed, :user_id, :photo, :image_url

  has_attached_file :photo,
    :styles => { :small => "250x250", :large => "500x500>" },
    :url => "the-s3-url",
    :path => "entries/:id/:basename.:extension"

  before_validation :download_remote_image, :if => :image_url_provided?
  validates_presence_of :image_url, :if => :image_url_provided?, :message => 'is invalid or inaccessible'

  process_in_background :photo


  def image_url_provided?
      # Sean's stuff goes here
      return false
    return true

  def download_remote_image
    io = open(URI.parse(image_url))
    self.photo_file_name = io.base_uri.path.split('/').last
    self.photo = io
    self.image_url = image_url
  rescue # catch url errors


And then my worker:

class PhotoProcessor
    @queue = :paperclip
    def self.perform(photo_id)
        puts "***************"
        puts photo_id

I am missing something, especially seeing that I cannot even reach the self.perform method in the worker. Am I just missing something? Thanks for any advice, I just can't quite figure out where the enqueue process is occurring and why my worker seems to not be listening.

jrgifford commented 11 years ago

Hello! I'm the new maintainer, and if you could please refile this bug over at the new bugtracker at jrgifford/delayed_paperclip, I'd appreciate it, that way I can keep track of things in one place.