Hi Jason,
Nice work on the scrollbar plugin!! Also great customization options.
On mobile there is an issue that I would like to report. When you try to scroll fast that does not seem to work. Tried it on both android and iPhones and the issue exists on both. If you swipe up/down slowly then the scroll works. But when you swipe up/down fast like if you want the pane/page to scroll fast then it rather scrolls very slow i.e slower than normal swipe.
If default scroll is used by commenting out the enscroll init function in js then the fast scroll works without issues on both android and iPhone. Could it be due to one of the customization below?
The following had been used for customization. The CSS part was taken from one of your demo panes.
background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
-webkit-transition:background 250ms linear;
transition:background 250ms linear;
.track3:hover, .track3.dragging{
background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
background:#d9d9d9; / Browsers without rgba support /
background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
-webkit-transition:width 250ms;
transition:width 250ms;
.track3:hover .handle3, .track3.dragging .handle3{
Hi Jason, Nice work on the scrollbar plugin!! Also great customization options.
On mobile there is an issue that I would like to report. When you try to scroll fast that does not seem to work. Tried it on both android and iPhones and the issue exists on both. If you swipe up/down slowly then the scroll works. But when you swipe up/down fast like if you want the pane/page to scroll fast then it rather scrolls very slow i.e slower than normal swipe.
If default scroll is used by commenting out the enscroll init function in js then the fast scroll works without issues on both android and iPhone. Could it be due to one of the customization below?
The following had been used for customization. The CSS part was taken from one of your demo panes. .track3{ width:4px; background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin-right:-140px; border-radius:10px; -webkit-transition:background 250ms linear; transition:background 250ms linear; } .track3:hover, .track3.dragging{ background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); background:#d9d9d9; / Browsers without rgba support / } .handle3{ width:4px; right:0; background:#999; background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); border-radius:7px; -webkit-transition:width 250ms; transition:width 250ms; } .track3:hover .handle3, .track3.dragging .handle3{ width:4px; }
$(document).ready(function () { $('.searchResult').enscroll({ showOnHover: true, verticalTrackClass: 'track3', verticalHandleClass: 'handle3', easingDuration:17, scrollIncrement:70 }); });