jstraub / ptamRosBinaryFeatureRelocalization

PTAM with ROS Integration and Binary Feature Relocalization
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Couldnt open one of the logfiles! #2

Closed Chen-Xieyuanli closed 7 years ago

Chen-Xieyuanli commented 7 years ago

Hi, @jstraub ,

I followed the steps in README, but it didn't work out.

I'v installed the 3rd-party and compiled the ptam ros wrapper/ library and PTAM

I changed PTAM-GPL-ROS listened to ros topic 'usb_cam/image_raw'

Here comes the result:

Welcome to PTAM

Parallel tracking and mapping for Small AR workspaces Copyright (C) Isis Innovation Limited 2008

Parsing settings.cfg ....

first argument: number of frames to skip until next one is handed to PTAM second argument: number of frames to between forced relocalization third argument: last frame that will be fed into PTAM

Skipping 0 frames before one is used. Forcing relocalization every 0 frames using relocalization-mechanism 0 and I am waiting 0ms after relocalisation has been completed, before tracking is resumed Last Frame: 9999 CV_SSE2 defined ros_init called subscribeToCam called end testing Couldnt open one of the logfiles!

Thanks a lot for the help,

jstraub commented 7 years ago

Have you looked at the code where it prints

Couldnt open one of the logfiles!

It probably just does not have a full path to a valid folder on your system.

jstraub commented 7 years ago

Did you provide the script with a rosbag to run PTAM on?

See line 16 in https://github.com/jstraub/ptamRosBinaryFeatureRelocalization/blob/master/launchROS_PTAM.sh

So you should run the script as ./launchROS_PTAM.sh -b path/to/rosbag

Chen-Xieyuanli commented 7 years ago

_I am sorry to reply you so late. I took part in the China Robot Contest last month and I still did not figure out this problem _

1. I followed every steps in your diploma thesis and have set the folder path as below nubot@nubot-ThinkPad-T440p:~/PTAM_J.Straub$ ls 3rdparty ptamBriefRelocalizeStandalone rosbags

nubot@nubot-ThinkPad-T440p:~/PTAM_J.Straub/ptamBriefRelocalizeStandalone$ ls briefRelocalize calibrateROS_PTAM.sh collectResults.sh CompilationNotes.txt do_eval.sh imageDecompressionNode.sh imu_and_cam.launch launchROS_PTAM.sh LICENSE lshKBM PTAM-GPL README.md subset_Start0_Skip0_FEAT_Reloc0_Type0_RelocWait0_NFrames9999_Processed_20160928_154143 test

Is there anything wrong?

2. Actually, I have already provided the script with a rosbag to run PTAM on, but I changed the PTAM-GPL-ROS listening topic from 'camera/image_raw' to 'usb_cam/image_raw'

nubot@nubot-ThinkPad-T440p:~/PTAM_J.Straub/ptamBriefRelocalizeStandalone$ ./launchROS_PTAM.sh -b subset

Launch programs necessary to process data with PTAM

Specified rosbag subset.bag -> Found ../rosbags/subset.bag no starting time in cache for rosbag! -> using 0s

Signature: subset_Start0_Skip0_FEAT_Reloc0_Type0_RelocWait0_NFrames9999_Processed_20161101_151738 Start at 0s Skip 0 frames before one is handed over to PTAM Relocalize using type 0 always after 0 frames Feature Type: (0=BRIEF, 1=ORB, 2=FREAK) Finish after 9999 frames

roscore not running -> starting a new roscore ... logging to /home/nubot/.ros/log/455d6670-a003-11e6-bac3-5cc5d4b62664/roslaunch-nubot-ThinkPad-T440p-21619.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://nubot-ThinkPad-T440p:38495/ ros_comm version 1.11.20




auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [21632] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://nubot-ThinkPad-T440p:11311/

setting /run_id to 455d6670-a003-11e6-bac3-5cc5d4b62664 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [21645] started core service [/rosout] konsole: no process found QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. PTAM PID: 7892 21669 21697 PTAM is running...

Is there anything wrong?

Chen-Xieyuanli commented 7 years ago

I have changed PTAM-GPL-ROS back to listen to ros topic 'camera/image_raw', and provided the script with a rosbag to run PTAM on. It turned out the same result as below:

Welcome to PTAM

Parallel tracking and mapping for Small AR workspaces Copyright (C) Isis Innovation Limited 2008

Parsing settings.cfg ....

first argument: number of frames to skip until next one is handed to PTAM second argument: number of frames to between forced relocalization third argument: last frame that will be fed into PTAM

Skipping 0 frames before one is used. Forcing relocalization every 0 frames using relocalization-mechanism 0 and I am waiting 0ms after relocalisation has been completed, before tracking is resumed Last Frame: 9999 CV_SSE2 defined ros_init called subscribeToCam called end testing Couldnt open one of the logfiles!

Chen-Xieyuanli commented 7 years ago

Hi @jstraub ,

I provided the script with a rosbag including rostopic 'camera/image_raw' to run PTAM on, but the imageCallback in the ros_listener.cpp didn't work. It didn't received any images.

Looking forward to your reply.

Chen-Xieyuanli commented 7 years ago

Hi, @jstraub ,

Are these log-files generated automatically, or should I create them manually before initializing? keyFrameIDs.txt; framePoses.txt; relocalizationFrameNr.txt; frame2Seq.txt; briefDescriptors.txt; featureStats.log.

Looking forward to your reply.

Chen-Xieyuanli commented 7 years ago

Hi, @jstraub,

I worked it out. I just reinstalled it and built the folder with the guidance in your thesis. I think you are right and it may be just something wrong with the path.

Thanks a lot for your reply!


jstraub commented 7 years ago

Great =) glad it is working now! Please feel free to reply with your solution for the path issue to make it easier for other people.