jsumners / alfred-emoji

Alfred workflow for searching and copying emoji
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Emoji choices never appear #100

Closed glgray closed 1 year ago

glgray commented 1 year ago

I tried using alfred-emoji for the first time in some months, and it just showed “Loading results...”. So I checked and saw that I was running an old version, so I downloaded and installed v2.0.1. When I invoke it in Alfred, I wait and wait, and it still just says, “Loading results...”. Here is a screenshot.

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 8 07 10 AM

What am I doing wrong?

jsumners commented 1 year ago

What version of Alfred are you using?

glgray commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I should have mentioned that. v5.0.6

jsumners commented 1 year ago

You could try running the workflow while the debugger console (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/debugger/) to see if anything is printed there. But I suspect nothing will show.

It seems there are times when Alfred is taking a long while to populate its cache from the workflow. I don't know of any way to force it to work (maybe @vitorgalvao has a suggestion). The best I can suggest is to completely remove the workflow and reinstall it. That may be enough to jump start things.

vitorgalvao commented 1 year ago

You’re calling osascript from bash, Alfred simply asks the system to run that and doesn’t touch anything else. Whatever cache there is—both writing and reading it—will be handled by the workflow’s code, I see nowhere where Alfred itself would be interfering.

glgray commented 1 year ago

Before reinstalling, I tried invoking it several more times, and the search results started appearing. Problem solved. Thank you all for your help and suggestions.

jsumners commented 1 year ago

You’re calling osascript from bash, Alfred simply asks the system to run that and doesn’t touch anything else. Whatever cache there is—both writing and reading it—will be handled by the workflow’s code, I see nowhere where Alfred itself would be interfering.

I am referring to the "learning" feature shown here:


vitorgalvao commented 1 year ago

That just affects ordering, it has no influence in this situation.