jsvine / pdfplumber

Plumb a PDF for detailed information about each char, rectangle, line, et cetera — and easily extract text and tables.
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page.search("text", regex = True) is magnitudes slower in 0.10.4 compared to 0.10.3. #1097

Closed mikejokic closed 4 months ago

mikejokic commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

I have a pipeline to extract text and find relevant keywords from PDF's. After upgrading to the latest release, my code has slowed down 5x-10x.

Have you tried repairing the PDF?

I have repaired pdf through ghostscript

Code to reproduce the problem

with pdfplumber.open(pdfFile) as pdf: for page in pdf.pages:
start = time.time() results = page.search(r'word', regex=True,return_chars=False) end = time.time() - start print(end) page.close()#in v10.4 page.flush_cache() #in v10.3

PDF file

Reproduced with any pdf



Any help @jsvine ?

jsvine commented 4 months ago

Hi @mikejokic. Thank you for flagging. Unfortunately, I can't seem to reproduce your findings. If anything, it runs slightly faster on 0.10.4 than 0.10.3 for me. Here's the exact code I'm running:

import pdfplumber
import time
import sys

start = time.time()
with pdfplumber.open(sys.stdin.buffer) as pdf:
   for page in pdf.pages: 
      results = page.search(r'word', regex=True,return_chars=False)
      if hasattr(page, "close"):
end = time.time() - start
print(round(end, 3))

And then python test.py < documentation.pdf. On 0.10.3, I'm seeing times of around 7.9 seconds; on 0.10.4, I'm seeing closer to 7.6 seconds.

If you run the same, what do you see?

mikejokic commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the reply @jsvine. I ran your code block in Docker and I found similar results to yours. But I have been able to reproduce my issue with the provided pdf.

Here is code I have been able to run in Docker changing just the pdfplumber version number.

I look for a set of relevant keywords/regex patterns (repeated keywords for simplicity), and then take the surrounding line info as well. 0.10.3 runs in around 30-36seconds, and 0.10.4 takes around 90-96 seconds.

keywords = ['capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS''capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS','capabilities','BHRS', 'Intervention', 'assessment','IMD', 'Affidavit', 'subclass', 'IHBS']

import time
import pdfplumber
start = time.time()
with pdfplumber.open('documentation.pdf') as pdf:
   for page in pdf.pages: 
        for key in keywords:  
            results = page.search(r'.*\b' + key + r'\b.*', regex=True,case=False,return_chars=False)
        if hasattr(page, "close"):
end = time.time() - start
print(round(end, 3))
jsvine commented 4 months ago

Big thanks, @mikejokic — that extra detail about looping through a bunch of .search(...) calls per page helped me (a) reproduce your observation, (b) figure out what the problem was, and (c) fix it.

Turns out https://github.com/jsvine/pdfplumber/commit/0bfffc2448aca6c9bc8f93109872502cdf12fc6c introduced a bug in which the page layout calculations (necessary for .search(...)) were no longer getting cached. The fix in https://github.com/jsvine/pdfplumber/commit/efca2770795f406469c80ede9924145ff0704719 resolves that, restoring the prior speed/performance. Now available on the develop branch and will be in the next release.

mikejokic commented 4 months ago

Thanks @jsvine. Out of curiosity, does .search() run .extract_text() on each run or is the text also cached?

jsvine commented 4 months ago

.search(...) uses the text-layout cache, which is based on the layout-dependent parameters you pass. E.g., if you run page.search("q1", x_tolerance=5) and page.search("q2", x_tolerance=5), then the .extract_text(...) is only run once, on the first search; but if you then call page.search("q2", x_tolerance=10), then .extract_text(...) is called again.