jszakmeister / vim-togglecursor

Toggle the cursor shape in the terminal for Vim.
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Resolve #19 - Make cursor appears again inside tmux in gnome-terminal #20

Closed phongvcao closed 9 years ago

phongvcao commented 9 years ago

This is my proposed fix for #19 . Basically I just added an if statement to check if we are currently in Konsole and only change &t_ti when we are inside Konsole. Otherwise, leave it untouched. This has worked perfectly for me in tmux under gnome-terminal and completely fixed #19 . What do you think?

phongvcao commented 9 years ago

The problem was fixed completely by commit 38301f9efd33086dee8623979f842de42fd1cbf5 and worked fine for VTE 4002 (0.40.2).