jszakmeister / vim-togglecursor

Toggle the cursor shape in the terminal for Vim.
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Fontsize reset upon cursor/mode change, on Konsole 16.08.0 #32

Closed grepsuzette closed 7 years ago

grepsuzette commented 8 years ago

First of all thanks for this great plugin. On urxvt I don't encounter this problem, however on Konsole, whenever I change the font size (using Ctrl- Or Ctrl+), the font size is reset whenever the cursor changes. My config is simple:

let g:togglecursor_default = "block"
let g:togglecursor_insert  = "line"
let g:togglecursor_leave   = "block"
let g:togglecursor_replace = "underline"

Any idea? Thanks again!

jszakmeister commented 7 years ago

Sorry I didn't see this... I don't seem to have ever gotten notification of your issue--and unfortunately, this is not the first time. :-(

Unfortunately, no. I suspect it's probably a bug with Konsole and it's re-applying the configuration when changing font size. It's probably best to file an issue with them.

lookforit commented 7 years ago

@emugel @jszakmeister I met with the same issue. When I turned the font size smaller,and switched from normal mode to insert mode ,the font size resized automatically. Under the konsole 16.12.3

jszakmeister commented 7 years ago

Again, this is an issue with Konsole, not my plugin. It'd be best to file a ticket with the KDE/Konsole guys.