jt3k / chat-linker

the bridge between jabber and telegram over chat-bots
MIT License
46 stars 9 forks source link

Images from Telegram are not translated to XMPP #11

Open ForNeVeR opened 7 years ago

ForNeVeR commented 7 years ago

Try to post image to Telegram. It won't cause any measure effect on XMPP room. That's inappropriate.

At least show something like [Image posted], but better repost the image to some server (probably keep it on your own Heroku instance) and post the link to XMPP.

ForNeVeR commented 7 years ago

Hey, there's XEP-0363: HTTP File Upload, and this feature is enabled on jabber.ru. Bot should use this feature to upload images if available.

vitalyster commented 7 years ago

Please review https://github.com/jt3k/chat-linker/pull/32

Bannerets commented 6 years ago

Images from telegram can be proxied to the outside world https://github.com/telegraf/tg-cdn