jtackaberry / nosquint

NoSquint is a Firefox add-on that allows you to adjust the text-only and full-page zoom levels as well as color settings both globally (for all sites) and per site.
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Replace status icon with standard button for Australis support #115

Open trlkly opened 10 years ago

trlkly commented 10 years ago

Based on my use of the UX branch, Australis is doing away with the addon status shim--the one that allows old style icons on the status bar, and the one that only NoSquint even seems to use anymore. In fact, Australis is likely going to get rid of the addon bar altogether--if not concurrent with the new UI, then soon after.

Development needs to start on using a standard icon to convey the same information. If displaying text in a button is difficult, my suggestion is to use canvas to modify an icon. To get everything to fit, drop the percent sign and stick the magnifying glass on top. Maybe use color to distinguish between text and page zoom.

Displaying both types of zoom at once will be more complicated, but I have ideas for that, too--ones that won't leave us with an icon that is just two numbers on top of each other. One solution is to only display both if the user chooses an option--an option that will add a second toolbar icon to the left of the main one. This one will ordinarily just show a magnifying glass, with the main button showing just the zoom level. But if both page and text zoom are not at their defaults, the magnifying glass will scoot up, and both numbers will be displayed, one on each button.

Even if you don't like my ideas, we need to, at the very least, do something, so this basic functionality doesn't break.

jtackaberry commented 10 years ago

Moving to a proper toolbar button has been part of the plan for a long time (issue #4).

But the main problem at the moment is that due to my work/life commitments I have essentially zero time to hack on NoSquint.

I'm somewhat at the mercy of the contributors to submit patches until I can scrounge enough time to work on this. Theoretically a simple button that exactly replaces the functionality of the current status panel wouldn't be too difficult, but it all comes down to time.

trlkly commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately, while I know enough about javascript and extension programming to make simple tweaks to addons, I do not know enough to make a whole new button from scratch.

However, since NoSquint was pretty much the reason I didn't move to Chrome back in the day, I will at least look into it and see if I can learn. But, of course, I have time commitments myself.

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Jason Tackaberry notifications@github.comwrote:

Moving to a proper toolbar button has been part of the plan for a long time (issue #4 https://github.com/jtackaberry/nosquint/issues/4).

But the main problem at the moment is that due to my work/life commitments I have essentially zero time to hack on NoSquint.

I'm somewhat at the mercy of the contributors to submit patches until I can scrounge enough time to work on this. Theoretically a simple button that exactly replaces the functionality of the current status panel wouldn't be too difficult, but it all comes down to time.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/jtackaberry/nosquint/issues/115#issuecomment-26223850 .

SpiritWolfe commented 10 years ago


I do not know if you are using FF 29 (Australis) now or not... but I am and I have gone to the about:NoSquint and I have invoked the toolbar option (it is DIFFERENT from the status bar option). For some reason or another the status bar icon only works for accessing the add-on options menu. But the current tool bar option displays the current zoom percentage values ONLY when you are using the modifier key+mousewheel (default key is CTRL; however it CAN be changed -- see my post #144). As you already know the keyboard shortcuts still are operable even under Australis. Hope this helps you for now...


trlkly commented 10 years ago

There is no NoSquint toolbar button that shows magnification. You are just using the standard Firefox toolbar buttons. Those would be there even if you didn't have NoSquint. It doesn't have an option for the NoSquint properties because it's not a part of NoSquint.

This bug was never actually fixed. People who care are probably just using Status4EVAR or Classic Theme Restorer to get the status bar icons back.

SpiritWolfe commented 10 years ago

Ok. I thought there was one...sorry. :)


Shane M. Gordon

A.K.A.: Spirit Wolfe A.K.A.: Sawuwaya On Jun 4, 2014 5:38 AM, "trlkly" notifications@github.com wrote:

There is no NoSquint toolbar button that shows magnification. You are just using the standard Firefox toolbar buttons. Those would be there even if you didn't have NoSquint. It doesn't have an option for the NoSquint properties because it's not a part of NoSquint.

This bug was never actually fixed. People who care are probably just using Status4EVAR or Classic Theme Restorer to get the status bar icons back.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jtackaberry/nosquint/issues/115#issuecomment-45070676 .