jtackaberry / nosquint

NoSquint is a Firefox add-on that allows you to adjust the text-only and full-page zoom levels as well as color settings both globally (for all sites) and per site.
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CTRL+Mousewheel for zoom affects Omnibar/Omnibar Plus when changing Search Engines... #144

Open SpiritWolfe opened 10 years ago

SpiritWolfe commented 10 years ago


I have been using NoSquint, the Omnibar and Omnibar Plus Add-Ons, together, for quite some time now. I also have had to come to the conclusion that the only workaround that I found that does work AND that does not conflict with the zoom settings of a webpage (when all three Add-Ons are installed and enabled, was to alter the zoom in / out modifier key from the original CTRL key to the SHIFT key (or any other, but the CTRL key). This is because the CTRL+mousewheel feature (when you mouseover the search engine names to activate the feature) ALSO CHANGES which search engine you would like to search with from the Awesome Bar (for those of you who don not know the Omnibar and Omnibar Plus Add-Ons allow you to combine the URL and the search bars, together, as a single entity).

The current modifier key, the CTRL key (others are: SHIFT / ALT / WIN / {META [for Macs]} ) plus the mousewheel, will simultaneously change NoSquint's zoom settings AS WELL AS the current search engine within the Awesome Bar, when the NoSquint option to use the CTRL modifier while zooming is left with the check in the check box. This is an awful annoyance if you do not want the NoSquint zoom settings changed on the active page that you are viewing.

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ My question is this:

Could you please offer a way to change the CTRL modifier key to any other modifier key in addition to the CTRL key modifier, via the options settings within NoSquint? +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

My workaround "fix":

First, UNCHECK the NoSquint Global Settings option of "Enable zoom with CTRL-mousewheel"...then do the following:

According to the Mozilla Developer's Manual for the Gecko, Firefox can utilize 4 modifier keys. As aforementioned they are the CTRL [META] / SHIFT / ALT and WIN keys. 

Each preference is given and can be characteristically changed by a number option:

1 -- Will scroll horizontally.
2 -- Will scroll through the website history of the current tab FF is focused upon.
3 -- Will allow zooming in / out to magnify the text and images on the current page.

To change these open the about:config and type in "mousewheel" (no quotes) and you will find a lot of preferences to manipulate FF on what to do when the mousewheel is use. I WOULD NOT CHANGE ANY OF THESE SETTING UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! Changing these will have adverse effects.

The mousewheel preferences that WILL HELP you are as follows:

mousewheel.with_alt.action       (default value is 1)  (my NEW setting: 2)
mousewheel.with_shift.action     (default value is 2)  (my NEW setting: 3)
mousewheel.with_win.action      (default value is 1)
mousewheel.with_ctrl.action      (default value is 2)
mousewheel.with_meta.action   (default value is 1) <~~ for Macs only...same as CTRL

I am utilizing the SHIFT key modifier for my workaround annoyance issue. So I changed the default value to the value of 3, left the CTRL modifier key (ALONE) at the default setting of 2, and CHANGED the ALT modifier key from its default value of 1 to the setting of 2.  

Issues with this workaround "fix":

The only issues that I have had to deal with once this change was made is that this workaround breaks the link with the NoSquint Global Settings (Zooming tab) for displaying the status of NoSquint's current zoom level percentage value within the status bar icon. (When the "Show Current Zoom Levels in status bar" option is checked.)  

However, when the toolbar NoSquint icon is invoked the zoom level percentage value ONLY increases and decreases by a value of 10%...and NO OTHER VALUE previously set under NoSquint's user settings will change that (this link is broken as well). I have used a value of 5% in the past and I cannot now. The default is permanently set to 10%, because of the workaround I needed to do to separate the changing of the search engine value and the zoom setting value.

I hope this can be rectified within the next release.

Spirit Wolfe