jtackaberry / nosquint

NoSquint is a Firefox add-on that allows you to adjust the text-only and full-page zoom levels as well as color settings both globally (for all sites) and per site.
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Is this project dead ? #152

Open Betsy25 opened 9 years ago

Betsy25 commented 9 years ago

Yes ? No ?

Grossdm commented 9 years ago

I don't know. I wish they would update it.

On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Betsy25 notifications@github.com wrote:

Yes ? No ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jtackaberry/nosquint/issues/152.

streetwolf commented 9 years ago

The last time I communicated with Jason he told me that he does not have the time, and I suspect the desire, to maintain NoSquint anymore. He pointed out that anyone can update his source and produce a fork.

Personally I can't enjoy Firefox without NS. This is because I use a HiDPI monitor (125%) and using strictly full page zoom causes many graphic components to be blurry. NS's unique ability to set a site to varying percentages of both full page zoom and text zoom at the same time mitigates this to a great extent. Also, you are able to set a global default zoom level of full or text. No other add-on has all these features.

Personally I don't have the skills to modify NS. I am trying to get some other folks that have their own zoom add-on to take 'over' NS. So far no backers.

Lastly, NS does not work with e10's. Unless Jason comes back from the dead to fix this, or someone else, I'm afraid this great add-on will go the way of the dinosaurs (birds excluded).

Grossdm commented 9 years ago

I also lack the skills to "fork" the project.

I am still using NoSquint, however. You likely know of the keyboard access, which is also displayed on the menu View | Zoom. From there or the Add-Ons page you can access the Global Settings. I also placed the three available icons/buttons from the "Customize" feature. For Site Settings, those are available on the mouse context menu when clicking generally on a webpage.

I've read of another option somewhere. There is a way (perhaps a theme?) to regain the Status Bar (or was that Addons Bar?). Here are the links that I've collected for this, but done nothing with them.

Classic Theme https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/classicthemerestorer/

Restore Addon Bar - Status-4-Evar - S4 https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/status-4-evar/versions/

Mozillazine - S4E Discussion http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=13514087#p13514087

The Addon Bar (restored) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/the-addon-bar/

I hope those links come through - I didn't realize that Googol had me typing HTML/Rich Text email.

It seems we both want this developed further, but barring that, hopefully some of the above will help.


P.S. To mess with NoSquint's settings, there's always about:config to consider.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:47 PM, Gary notifications@github.com wrote:

The last time I communicated with Jason he told me that he does not have the time, and I suspect the desire, to maintain NoSquint anymore. He pointed out that anyone can update his source and produce a fork.

Personally I can't enjoy Firefox without NS. This is because I use a HiDPI monitor (125%) and using strictly full page zoom causes many graphic components to be blurry. NS's unique ability to set a site to varying percentages of both full page zoom and text zoom at the same time mitigates this to a great extent. Also, you are able to set a global default zoom level of full or text. No other add-on has all these features.

Personally I don't have the skills to modify NS. I am trying to get some other folks that have their own zoom add-on to take 'over' NS. So far no backers.

Lastly, NS does not work with e10's. Unless Jason comes back from the dead to fix this, or someone else, I'm afraid this great add-on will go the way of the dinosaurs (birds excluded).

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jtackaberry/nosquint/issues/152#issuecomment-53943836 .

streetwolf commented 9 years ago

My biggest concern is that NoSquint will 'break' at some point due to a patch. It will certainly break with the e10's. You can see that right now if you enable e10.

jtackaberry commented 9 years ago

Answering the original question: it's not dead, but it's on life support. Without any external contributors, if I pull the plug, the patient will surely die. I haven't decided to pull the plug yet.

The general problem is my hacking time comes in fits and starts. I have a NoSquint 3.0 codebase that implements a proper panel for interacting with NoSquint, as well as quite a lot of nontrivial internal overhauling, but it's half baked in its present form and has just stalled out from life getting in the way.

I've been riding out the various levels of compatibility across Firefox versions. Dropping the addon bar was a big problem, but e10s will certainly be a death knell to NoSquint unless I can get a good solid couple of weeks to sort it all out. Unfortunately e10s will require another significant overhaul, which is a problem when I'm already behind just with the normal version-to-version bitrotting.

I will try to get 3.0 into some form of beta quality code in September, ignoring e10s for the time being. It's not clear when e10s will become default, but hopefully I'll have at least have a few more months before it does.

streetwolf commented 9 years ago

Great news Jason! Can't wait to give 3.0 a try when it's ready. My gut feeling about e10's is that it probably won't be coming this year as the default. Hopefully you will still be able to toggle it off when it finally lands for good.

jclu52 commented 9 years ago

@Grossdm - thanks for the links, they work beautifully!

Grossdm commented 9 years ago

Great! Now I think I'll give them a try! I've been annoyed by the lack of an add-on/status bar even independent of NoSquint. On Sep 25, 2014 9:43 PM, "jclu52" notifications@github.com wrote:

@Grossdm https://github.com/Grossdm - thanks for the links, they work beautifully!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jtackaberry/nosquint/issues/152#issuecomment-56909761 .

KirkM commented 9 years ago

I can verify that NoSquint 2.1.9 works properly with Firefox versions 29 through 34 (the latest version) when using the "Classic Theme Restorer" extension, as mentioned earlier, with the Add-on bar enabled (it's enabled by default in CTRs options).


Grossdm commented 9 years ago

Hey @jclu52, is there a system on Github to "thank" someone like on other forums, so a user can get "brownie points"? If so, I thought you might like to help me get closer to winning a brownie. TIA, Doug

streetwolf commented 9 years ago


Please update NS especially for e10s. NS has no equal and no other similar add-on comes close to it. I will gladly test any new version you might already have be it alpha or beta.

btw.... NS 2.1.9 works just fine with 41.0a1 as long as you don't run with e10s.