jtackaberry / nosquint

NoSquint is a Firefox add-on that allows you to adjust the text-only and full-page zoom levels as well as color settings both globally (for all sites) and per site.
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Freezes the page/elements of page #55

Closed CutterRus closed 11 years ago

CutterRus commented 11 years ago

I don't know why and how, but it freezes the screen on google (scroll bar) or vk.com (when listing the images and in dialogs). When you click at another window, firefox's screen refresesh, but not in real time.

How to repeat google scrollbar bug: search on google by searchbar, sroll the page up and down many times, open new tab, search on google by searchbar again and scroll the page, then get back to first page and scroll the page. I have to find a bug at any page.

I found the comment that describes familiar bug (i think it's the same):

Cipherr October 29, 2012 This is a great addon. However it absolutely freezes Firefox when used on TheVerge.com and Polygon.com. I dont know what these two sites are doing differently than the rest of the internet, but NoSquint grinds your browser to a freeze on these two sites. They are both ran by the same people so I don't know whats up.

I can't use it, but it still the best zoom addon. Thank you for your work. Sorry for bad English.

vk images google scrollbar

Firefox 17.0.1, Windows 7 Home and Windows 8 Professional.

CutterRus commented 11 years ago

Everything became ok when I switched off and reinstalled nosquint and I can't repeat this bug. Probably there was a conflict with someting else. So I think you may delete this issue. Seems like it was a firefox bug, as same as https://github.com/jtackaberry/nosquint/issues/50.