jtackaberry / reaticulate

An articulation management system for REAPER
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ReaBank loads with every project - After Uninstallation #191

Open eliyahillel opened 1 year ago

eliyahillel commented 1 year ago

Hi, a while ago I tried Reaticulate and didn't find a use for it in my workflow so I uninstalled it via Reapack, but recently I noticed that Reaper keeps loading a file named "Reaticulate-tmp2.reabank", and sometimes it would take a whole few seconds in the loading popup... these are my Reasearch😉 findings:

  1. It was happening on every project that had midi items (I think it happened with every project but was noticeable only when the project had midi items).

  2. It also happened with projects that were created ignoring the default template.

  3. if I deleted the file that was located in "Reaper/Data", Reaper would show the "missing file" dialog, would freeze and crash if I choose to Ignore, but if I would exit the dialog via the X button, it would (still freeze for a minute, but then) say that there're two files missing in instances in the project, then load the project perfectly fine. at this stage I got a bit panicked and quickly restored the file from the bin...

  4. Alongside the tmp file there were a "GM.reabank" file (which I guess is the second file mentioned), and a "sample.reascale" file.

  5. When I opened the tmp file I saw that there's a warning at the top that says "Generated file. DO NOT EDIT! CONTENTS WILL BE LOST!", so I guess it's a file that Reaticulate generated and somehow forgot about.

  6. When I got desperate and started searching for "reaticulate" within Reaper's ini files, I found what I was looking for in the Reaper.ini file. right at the top there was this line: mididefbankprog=C:\Users\eliyah\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\Data\Reaticulate-tmp2.reabank I deleted it, deleted the tmp file, loaded a project that I know got stuck on this before, and looks like everything was solved on my end.

Now it's your turn to add this entry and this path to the uninstall script. thanks!

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jtackaberry commented 1 year ago

Hey @eliyahillel , thanks for all the sleuthing here, and for opening this issue. Much appreciated, and sorry for the trouble Reaticulate's leftovers have caused you. (Except re point 4, the GM.reabank and sample.reascale files come with REAPER itself and aren't related to Reaticulate).

You're not the first person who's described similar problems (at least inasmuch as REAPER complaining about the tmp Reabank file being missing -- this is the first I've heard about hanging/crashing, although that is surely a REAPER bug). Unfortunately this one continues to remain elusive to me.

If it was just a matter of removing mididefbankprog from reaper.ini on uninstall, I'd definitely do that. But sadly ReaPack doesn't offer any uninstall hooks, so there's no way to automatically do this (that I'm aware of, anyway).

I've not been able to reproduce the behavior you're describing, either when I've investigated before or again just now. When I uninstall Reaticulate, yeah, the Data/Reaticulate-tmp<n>.reabank file is left around and mididefbankprog continues to point to it in reaper.ini. But it's innocuous for me -- loading projects at that point works without issue. If I then delete the file but leave the mididefbankprog referencing the non-existent file, I still can't seem to make REAPER squawk about it. Even if I strip all permissions from the file to induce a failure when REAPER tries to open it, it still moves past it on project load without issue.

So I'm kinda stymied.

A few followup questions:

  1. What version of REAPER are you using currently?
  2. Is it 32-bit or 64-bit?
  3. Do you recall roughly when it was you had tried out Reaticulate?


eliyahillel commented 1 year ago

Hmm okay... I can tell you that in my research I wasn't able to reproduce the "missing files" dialog in newly created projects, I hade some existing projects that did show it, but when I created a new project, added some midi items, closed reaper, deleted the file and reopened the project - I could see the file's name very briefly flashes on the loading splash, and it would continue to open the project regularly, so maybe it is stored inside of the project file somehow?

and also, if the other files aren't related, why do you think reaper said there were 2 files missing?

  1. Currently 6.66 and I'm constantly updating...
  2. I'm using a Legion 5 (Ryzen7 4800H, Windows 11) so yeah, 64-bit.
  3. Well, YouTube says I watched The Reaper Blog's video on the 26/04, so I guess around that time. I have noticed the file name on the splash from time to time since then, but only recently I realized that it shouldn't be there...