jtackaberry / reaticulate

An articulation management system for REAPER
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Correct existing and add new icons - scoop, doit (minor changes) #197

Open chords-chords opened 1 year ago

chords-chords commented 1 year ago


I believe that the current "scoop" icon actually denotes a "doit". I didn't find another icon that would come close to denoting the actual scoop so I'm requesting one.

I think that the same icon which is currently used for a scoop should be duplicated and the duplicate's name be changed to "doit". The first icon-name pair (doit icon + "scoop" name) should be kept for backwards compatibility - so existing banks wouldn't get broken with a possible upadate.

Please see this article for reference: https://steinberg.help/dorico/v2/en/dorico/topics/notation_reference/notation_reference_jazz_articulations_c.html

Also, the bend-down and bend-up icons are a bit confusing: In the bend-down icon, the arrow is pointing to the note which to me implies bending from an indefinite pitch to a definite pitch (similar to a plop) while the bend-up icon's arrow is pointing away from the note which to me implies the opposite - bending from a definite pitch to an indefinite pitch. Regardless of which one is correct, I'd suggest changing one of the icons so that they both share the same destination (either indefinite or definite pitch).

jtackaberry commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the considered bug report! I do recall some level of ambiguity/confusion in this area, so I'm not surprised to learn I flubbed one or two of them. Will look at fixing this for the next major release.

chords-chords commented 1 year ago

You're welcome and thank you for this wonderful tool!