jtackaberry / reaticulate

An articulation management system for REAPER
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Allow output events to target different MIDI buses #73

Closed jtackaberry closed 5 years ago

jtackaberry commented 5 years ago

Output event should allow specifying bus in addition to MIDI channel. Routing behavior should work the same way as channels, except now targeting across different buses.

The GUI will need to clearly flag conflicts when bus 16 is used and control surface feedback is enabled, since bus 16 is used for feedback.

Bits 8-11 of slot 1 in the output event is reserved for this.

jtackaberry commented 5 years ago

Proposed syntax is [channel][.bus]. As with channel, bus would be indexed from 1.

Has these behaviors:

Either channel, bus, or both can be specified. Examples:

  1. o=cc@12.3:11,127: send CC11/127 to channel 12 bus 3
  2. o=cc@.10:11,127: send CC11/127 to bus 10 on the bank's target channel
jtackaberry commented 5 years ago

Connect Vadium on VI-C to validate VEP use-case. Ref.