jtackaberry / reaticulate

An articulation management system for REAPER
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Link Notation Events to Reaticulate articulations #95

Open AudioBirdi opened 4 years ago

AudioBirdi commented 4 years ago

A great feature would be to link Reaticulate articulation events to REAPER's own integrated notation events. By doing this, we could compose music by using the score editor and have all articulations, including custom articulation names / symbols be triggered and conform to both the score notation as well as the midi editor simultaneously.

The script below, allows for pressing a button and then adding the custom articulation name to a selected note. Which is how I do it currently via a custom action. This is from David Healey's Reascript Repository. https://github.com/davidhealey/reascript

package.path = debug.getinfo(1,"S").source:match[[^@?(.*[\/])[^\/]-$]] .."../?.lua;".. package.path require('daves reaper midi package v1-0')

local text = 'Bartok';

reaper.Undo_BeginBlock(); drmp.insertCustomTextAtSelectedNotes(text); reaper.Undo_EndBlock("MIDI Accent - Insert Custom Text " .. text,-1);

Something native that combines both Reaticulate and REAPER notation events would be amazing!

PavGekko commented 1 year ago

This feature would be incredibly helpful for composers who use music notation software to prepare scores for live orchestra performances.

The proposed feature would translate all parameters of events of type PC, which are inserted by rearticulate (such as "Staccato"), into Reaper's built-in articulation set for the notation view. If the articulation is not available in Reaper's default set, a custom text or articulation could be used instead.

By implementing this feature, composers could more easily compose and edit music in the MIDI editor while simultaneously viewing the corresponding articulations in the notation view. Later, they could export the data from the notation editor to a music XML file and import it into other software such as Sibelius, Finale, or MuseScore 4 for further editing, with all the information about articulations preserved.