jtamames / SqueezeMeta

A complete pipeline for metagenomic analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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STEP4 -> 04.rundiamond.pl. Program finished abnormally #355

Closed dorton21 closed 2 years ago

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

Currently running into " STEP4 -> 04.rundiamond.pl. Program finished abnormally" during the testing phase. I am attempting to put SqueezeMeta into a singularity container where execution is done like singularity exec --bind /scratch/ squeezemeta.img SqueezeMeta.pl -m coassembly -p Hadza -s /scratch/squeezedb/test/test.samples -f /scratch/squeezedb/test/raw/

I don't believe I can run the configure_nodb_alt.pl due to how I am setting up squeezemeta so I added the following to try and replicate its effects in the container: # Replacing Squeezemeta's default db installation location wget -U '' -P $SQUEEZEMETAPATH/lib http://silvani.cnb.csic.es/SqueezeMeta/classifier.tar.gz tar xvzf $SQUEEZEMETAPATH/lib/classifier.tar.gz -C $SQUEEZEMETAPATH rm $SQUEEZEMETAPATH/lib/classifier.tar.gz cd $SQUEEZEMETAPATH/bin/ ln -s $SQUEEZEMETAPATH/classifier/classifier.jar . > /dev/null 2>&1 cd / sed 's/\/media\/disk5\/tamames\/SqueezeMeta\/db/\/scratch\/squeezedb\/db/g' $SQUEEZEMETAPATH/scripts/SqueezeMeta_conf_original.pl > $SQUEEZEMETAPATH/scripts/SqueezeMeta_conf.pl The reason for the scratch binding is the DB is stored in a position other than the default file path (I believe it was downloaded via /path/to/SqueezeMeta/utils/install_utils/preparing_databases/download_databases.pl /download/path) I have the DB preinstalled into /scratch/squeezedb/ when I run <installpath>/SqueezeMeta/utils/install_utils/test_install.pl I get the error _SqueezeMetaconf.pl says that databases are located in /scratch/squeezedb/db but we can't find nr.db there, or it is corrupted

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Hi! Does the file /scratch/squeezedb/nr.db exist? If not, where is nr.db located?

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

nr.db doesn't appear to exist at all. I thought maybe an easy fix would be to delete the db I had downloaded and reinstall it. But the new install didn't include nr.db either. I don't know if it is something that comes with the db installation or if it is something generated via some script I need to call.

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Now I realize... Did you actually download the database at all? (i.e. run download_databases.pl?) configure_nodb.pl would write the necessary configuration files, but you still need to have the database downloaded.

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

I ran download_databases.pl outside of the container in order to separately download the DB.

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

I see there is a nr.dmnd that is generated. Is this file supposed to be mutated into the nr.db somehow?

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Yes, sorry, nr.dmnd is the correct one. Where is it located?

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

nr.dmnd is inside the path /scratch/squeezedb/db

fpusan commented 3 years ago

What happens if you run /path/to/SqueezeMeta/bin/diamond dbinfo --db /scratch/squeezedb/db/nr.dmnd?

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

That returns the following:

diamond v2.0.8.146 (C) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Documentation, support and updates available at http://www.diamondsearch.org

Database type Diamond database Database format version 3 Diamond build 146 Sequences 371327556 Letters 134857927905

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Ok, so the database is there and fine. And what output do you get from /path/to/SqueezeMeta/utils/install_utils/test_install.pl?

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

Running that command gives SqueezeMeta_conf.pl says that databases are located in /scratch/squeezedb/db but we can't find nr.db there, or it is corrupted. Like I said before, that file is not there. I don't know if it needs to be generated or what the deal is. I do, however, have the nr.dmnd file.

fpusan commented 3 years ago

The nr.db part is a typo in the error message (hadn't noticed before, will patch it). It's really looking for nr.dmnd which is there, right? The script is internally running /path/to/SqueezeMeta/bin/diamond dbinfo --db /scratch/squeezedb/db/nr.dmnd and complaining if the command fails.

So I'm surprised that it worked when you ran it manually before, but test_install.pl is not working...

1) What shell interpreter are you using? 2) Can you manually edit /path/to/SqueezeMeta/utils/install_utils/test_install.pl?

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

Yes, nr.dmnd is in the proper location. For some more perspective. I'm trying to build this in a singularity container using a centos8 image. I can probably use sed to make the modifications you specified and I'll report back the results. Thank you for the continued help.

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Also let me know what is your shell interpreter? You can check with echo $0 and echo $SHELL

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

Bash is the shell interpreter.

Running Diamond (Buchfink et al 2015, Nat Methods 12, 59-60) for taxaError running command: /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/diamond blastp -q /home/las_djorton/singularity-squeezemeta/Hadza/results/03.Hadza.faa -p 12 -d /scratch/squeezedb/db/nr.dmnd -e 0.001 --id 40 -f tab -b 2.7 --quiet -o /home/las_djorton/singularity-squeezemeta/Hadza/intermediate/04.Hadza.nr.diamond at /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/scripts/04.rundiamond.pl line 66. Stopping in STEP4 -> 04.rundiamond.pl. Program finished abnormally

If you don't know what went wrong or want further advice, please look for similar issues in https://github.com/jtamames/SqueezeMeta/issues Feel free to open a new issue if you don't find the answer there. Please add a brief description of the problem and upload the /home/las_djorton/singularity-squeezemeta/Hadza/syslog file (zip it first) Died at /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/bin/SqueezeMeta.pl line 1367.

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

The above is the new error message after an attempt to make the changes you suggested.

fpusan commented 3 years ago

But that output is for running SqueezeMeta, and the changes were made in test_install.pl, right? What is the output of test_install.pl after the changes?

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

Alright. I did some messing around. It can detect nr.db now but I have landed on a new error.

Checking that SqueezeMeta is properly configured... checking database in /scratch/squeezedb/db nr.db OK

CRITICAL ERROR: Can not find the checkm DATA_CONFIG file in /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/lib/checkm. This indicates a broken installation. If the error persists after reinstalling from scratch please open an issue at http://github.com/jtamames/SqueezeMeta

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Hi again! Sorry for the delay, I was on a much needed holiday break. That one comes from not running configure_nodb.plbut is easy to fix. Manually create the /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/lib/checkm/DATA_CONFIG file, with the following content

{"dataRoot": "/scratch/squeezedb/db/", "remoteManifestURL": "https://data.ace.uq.edu.au/public/CheckM_databases/", "manifestType": "CheckM", "localManifestName": ".dmanifest", "remoteManifestName": ".dmanifest"}

In general, "dataRoot" should point to wherever you have the SqueezeMeta databases installed (I copied that path from your previous answers, but double-check just in case)

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your continued help. I added the DATA_CONFIG into the proper spot and its now failing on the fourth step.

[2 hours, 39 minutes, 36 seconds]: STEP4 -> HOMOLOGY SEARCHES: 04.rundiamond.pl Setting block size for Diamond AVAILABLE (free) RAM memory: 13.10 Gb We will set Diamond block size to 2.6 (Gb RAM/5, Max 8). You can override this setting using the -b option when starting the project, or changing the $blocksize variable in SqueezeMeta_conf.pl Running Diamond (Buchfink et al 2015, Nat Methods 12, 59-60) for taxaError running command: /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/diamond blastp -q /root/HadzaTest/results/03.HadzaTest.faa -p 12 -d /scratch/squeezedb/db/nr.dmnd -e 0.001 --id 40 -f tab -b 2.6 --quiet -o /root/HadzaTest/intermediate/04.HadzaTest.nr.diamond at /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/scripts/04.rundiamond.pl line 66. Stopping in STEP4 -> 04.rundiamond.pl. Program finished abnormally

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

It doesn't seem to specify any specific error other than it failing.

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Try running the command alone /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/diamond blastp -q /root/HadzaTest/results/03.HadzaTest.faa -p 12 -d /scratch/squeezedb/db/nr.dmnd -e 0.001 --id 40 -f tab -b 2.6 --quiet -o /root/HadzaTest/intermediate/04.HadzaTest.nr.diamond

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

Singularity local:~> /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/diamond blastp -q /root/HadzaTest/results/03.HadzaTest.faa -p 12 -d /scratch/squeezedb/db/nr.dmnd -e 0.001 --id 40 -f tab -b 2.6 --quiet -o /root/HadzaTest/intermediate/04.HadzaTest.nr.diamond Responds with... Killed

No other errors.

dorton21 commented 3 years ago

This is the last message in the logs:

2021-10-12 17:04:28 - Assemble contigs from SdBG for k = 119 2021-10-12 17:04:28 - command /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/megahit/megahit_core assemble -s /root/HadzaTest/data/megahit/tmp/k119/119 -o /root/HadzaTest/data/megahit/intermediate_contigs/k119 -t 8 --min_standalone 300 --prune_level 2 --merge_len 20 --merge_similar 0.95 --cleaning_rounds 5 --disconnect_ratio 0.1 --low_local_ratio 0.2 --cleaning_rounds 5 --min_depth 2 --bubble_level 2 --max_tip_len 182.0 --is_final_round 2021-10-12 17:04:32 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 129 - Loading succinct de Bruijn graph: /root/HadzaTest/data/megahit/tmp/k119/119Done. Time elapsed: 3.936642' 2021-10-12 17:04:32 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 133 - Number of Edges: 389706867; K value: 119' 2021-10-12 17:04:32 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 140 - Number of CPU threads: 8' 2021-10-12 17:04:49 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 160 - Removing tips with length less than 2; Accumulated tips removed: 3408; time elapsed: 0.9663' 2021-10-12 17:04:50 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 160 - Removing tips with length less than 4; Accumulated tips removed: 8760; time elapsed: 1.0998' 2021-10-12 17:04:52 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 160 - Removing tips with length less than 8; Accumulated tips removed: 20602; time elapsed: 1.6616' 2021-10-12 17:04:55 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 160 - Removing tips with length less than 16; Accumulated tips removed: 41962; time elapsed: 3.0469' 2021-10-12 17:05:00 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 160 - Removing tips with length less than 32; Accumulated tips removed: 79160; time elapsed: 5.4550' 2021-10-12 17:05:09 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 160 - Removing tips with length less than 64; Accumulated tips removed: 133646; time elapsed: 8.6437' 2021-10-12 17:05:25 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 160 - Removing tips with length less than 128; Accumulated tips removed: 215554; time elapsed: 16.3859' 2021-10-12 17:05:49 - b'INFO assembly/sdbg_pruning.cpp : 169 - Removing tips with length less than 182; Accumulated tips removed: 243846; time elapsed: 23.4003' 2021-10-12 17:05:49 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 158 - Tips removal done! Time elapsed(sec): 77.137' 2021-10-12 17:07:12 - b'INFO assembly/unitig_graph.cpp : 84 - Graph size without loops: 334900, palindrome: 3' 2021-10-12 17:07:13 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 167 - unitig graph size: 335215, time for building: 84.255' 2021-10-12 17:07:13 - b'INFO assembly/contig_stat.h : 40 - Max: 219680, Min: 120, N50: 1036, number contigs: 335215, number isolated: 171307, number looped: 315, total size: 226649654,' 2021-10-12 17:07:13 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 184 - Graph cleaning round 1' 2021-10-12 17:07:13 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 201 - Number of bubbles removed: 4320, Time elapsed(sec): 0.449' 2021-10-12 17:07:14 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 211 - Number of complex bubbles removed: 3432, Time elapsed(sec): 0.858741' 2021-10-12 17:07:15 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 222 - Number unitigs disconnected: 14639, time: 0.295' 2021-10-12 17:07:15 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 246 - Unitigs removed in excessive pruning: 1372, time: 0.218' 2021-10-12 17:07:15 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 184 - Graph cleaning round 2' 2021-10-12 17:07:16 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 192 - Tips removed: 1371, time: 1.490' 2021-10-12 17:07:17 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 201 - Number of bubbles removed: 8, Time elapsed(sec): 0.301' 2021-10-12 17:07:17 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 211 - Number of complex bubbles removed: 93, Time elapsed(sec): 0.383459' 2021-10-12 17:07:17 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 222 - Number unitigs disconnected: 452, time: 0.263' 2021-10-12 17:07:18 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 246 - Unitigs removed in excessive pruning: 254, time: 0.234' 2021-10-12 17:07:18 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 184 - Graph cleaning round 3' 2021-10-12 17:07:19 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 192 - Tips removed: 105, time: 1.458' 2021-10-12 17:07:19 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 201 - Number of bubbles removed: 5, Time elapsed(sec): 0.272' 2021-10-12 17:07:20 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 211 - Number of complex bubbles removed: 1, Time elapsed(sec): 0.392340' 2021-10-12 17:07:20 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 222 - Number unitigs disconnected: 129, time: 0.256' 2021-10-12 17:07:20 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 246 - Unitigs removed in excessive pruning: 94, time: 0.213' 2021-10-12 17:07:20 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 184 - Graph cleaning round 4' 2021-10-12 17:07:22 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 192 - Tips removed: 36, time: 1.437' 2021-10-12 17:07:22 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 201 - Number of bubbles removed: 1, Time elapsed(sec): 0.279' 2021-10-12 17:07:22 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 211 - Number of complex bubbles removed: 2, Time elapsed(sec): 0.363779' 2021-10-12 17:07:22 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 222 - Number unitigs disconnected: 70, time: 0.266' 2021-10-12 17:07:23 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 246 - Unitigs removed in excessive pruning: 37, time: 0.218' 2021-10-12 17:07:23 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 184 - Graph cleaning round 5' 2021-10-12 17:07:24 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 192 - Tips removed: 14, time: 1.404' 2021-10-12 17:07:24 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 201 - Number of bubbles removed: 1, Time elapsed(sec): 0.269' 2021-10-12 17:07:25 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 211 - Number of complex bubbles removed: 0, Time elapsed(sec): 0.341810' 2021-10-12 17:07:25 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 222 - Number unitigs disconnected: 29, time: 0.295' 2021-10-12 17:07:25 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 246 - Unitigs removed in excessive pruning: 12, time: 0.215' 2021-10-12 17:07:25 - b'INFO assembly/contig_stat.h : 40 - Max: 296942, Min: 120, N50: 1167, number contigs: 291331, number isolated: 174819, number looped: 323, total size: 219965631,' 2021-10-12 17:07:30 - b'INFO main_assemble.cpp : 289 - Number of local low depth unitigs removed: 5123, complex bubbles removed: 185, time: 4.452962' 2021-10-12 17:07:30 - b'INFO assembly/contig_stat.h : 40 - Max: 296942, Min: 120, N50: 1202, number contigs: 277964, number isolated: 175516, number looped: 323, total size: 217904971,' 2021-10-12 17:08:01 - b'INFO utils/utils.h : 152 - Real: 213.0491\tuser: 1019.8106\tsys: 1.9013\tmaxrss: 877040' 2021-10-12 17:08:01 - Merging to output final contigs 2021-10-12 17:08:01 - 241008 contigs, total 212125857 bp, min 200 bp, max 296942 bp, avg 880 bp, N50 1266 bp 2021-10-12 17:08:01 - ALL DONE. Time elapsed: 8335.118238 seconds

fpusan commented 3 years ago

Weird that it just gets killed right away. Are you in a cluster? If so, are you booking enough memory?

dorton21 commented 2 years ago

srun --time=12:00:00 --nodes=4 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=32G --pty /usr/bin/bash this is what I am booking to run this. I think the exact error message is Died at /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/bin/SqueezeMeta.pl line 1367.

dorton21 commented 2 years ago

[1 hours, 27 minutes, 53 seconds]: STEP4 -> HOMOLOGY SEARCHES: 04.rundiamond.pl Setting block size for Diamond AVAILABLE (free) RAM memory: 364.98 Gb We will set Diamond block size to 8 (Gb RAM/5, Max 8). You can override this setting using the -b option when starting the project, or changing the $blocksize variable in SqueezeMeta_conf.pl Running Diamond (Buchfink et al 2015, Nat Methods 12, 59-60) for taxaError running command: /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/diamond blastp -q /work/las-research/students/las_djorton/Hadza/results/03.Hadza.faa -p 12 -d /work/LAS/BioDatabase/squeezedb/db/nr.dmnd -e 0.001 --id 40 -f tab -b 8 --quiet -o /work/las-research/students/las_djorton/Hadza/intermediate/04.Hadza.nr.diamond at /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/scripts/04.rundiamond.pl line 66. Stopping in STEP4 -> 04.rundiamond.pl. Program finished abnormally

If you don't know what went wrong or want further advice, please look for similar issues in https://github.com/jtamames/SqueezeMeta/issues Feel free to open a new issue if you don't find the answer there. Please add a brief description of the problem and upload the /work/las-research/students/las_djorton/Hadza/syslog file (zip it first) Died at /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/bin/SqueezeMeta.pl line 1367.

fpusan commented 2 years ago

Ok, here's what I think it's happening. 1) You book 32Gb of memory 2) SqueezeMeta, when running in the computing node, has no way of knowing that. It looks at the system and sees that there are 364.98 Gb free (the whole amount of memory free in the node at the time). It thus sets diamond blocksize to 8, which is expected to use 40 Gb of memory. 3) When the process exceeds 32 Gb usage, it gets killed by slurm.

So I think that the answer might be setting up -b manually. Can you add -b 1.5 in the initial call to SqueezeMeta? Also make sure to keep requesting those 32Gb (or ideally more).

dorton21 commented 2 years ago

[10 hours, 32 minutes, 4 seconds]: STEP18 -> 18.checkM_batch.pl PATH=/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin:/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/pplacer:/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/hmmer:$PATH /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/checkm taxon_set phylum Elusimicrobia /work/las-research/students/las_djorton/Hadza/data/checkm_markers/Elusimicrobia.ms >> /work/las-research/students/las_djorton/Hadza/syslog 2>&1

[CheckM - taxon_set] Generate taxonomic-specific marker set.

It seems that the CheckM data folder has not been set yet or has been removed. Running: 'checkm data setRoot'. You do not seem to have permission to edit the checkm config file located at /opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/lib/checkm/DATA_CONFIG Please try again with updated privileges. Error was:

[Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/lib/checkm/DATA_CONFIG' Sorry, CheckM cannot run without a valid data folder.

Unexpected error: <class 'FileNotFoundError'> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/checkm", line 718, in checkmParser.parseOptions(args) File "/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/../lib/checkm/main.py", line 1239, in parseOptions self.taxonSet(options) File "/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/../lib/checkm/main.py", line 262, in taxonSet bValidSet = taxonParser.markerSet(options.rank, options.taxon, options.marker_file) File "/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/../lib/checkm/taxonParser.py", line 82, in markerSet taxonMarkerSets = self.readMarkerSets() File "/opt/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta-2020.11/SqueezeMeta/bin/../lib/checkm/taxonParser.py", line 40, in readMarkerSets for line in open(DefaultValues.TAXON_MARKER_SETS): FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'taxon_marker_sets.tsv' Stopping in STEP18 -> 18.checkM_batch.pl. Program finished abnormally

The latest in this series of issues. Thank you for your continued support with this.

fpusan commented 2 years ago

Moved the answer to the last question to a different issue, as it is no longer related to STEP4. However, I am curious to what was causing the problem in step 4, as it seems that it worked ok for you in the end...

dorton21 commented 2 years ago

You were correct in you suspicion that I wasn't booking enough memory. Once again thank you for your continued support.

fpusan commented 2 years ago

Ok, glad it worked! Closing issue