jtamames / SqueezeMeta

A complete pipeline for metagenomic analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
346 stars 81 forks source link

Stopping in STEP10 -> 10.mapsamples.pl. Program finished abnormally #791

Closed diegorojasa closed 2 months ago

diegorojasa commented 4 months ago


Estoy corriendo SqueezeMeta en una computadora virtual (Linux vm-minibiotatech 5.15.0-1054-azure #62~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 17 12:22:56 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux). Luego de correr test_install.pl dice 'All checks successful'. Al llegar al paso 10, el primer par lo analiza bien, pero en el segundo arroja el sgte. error:

Captura de pantalla 2024-02-09 151923

No se cual pueda ser el error, ya que queda espacio tanto en RAM como en el disco duro.

Adjunto el syslog.

Ahora lo estoy corriendo con bwa en vez de bowtie, actualizo apenas llegue al paso 10.

De antemano, muchas gracias!!


fpusan commented 4 months ago

What's the output of running /home/admin_mbt/anaconda3/envs/SqueezeMeta/SqueezeMeta/bin/bowtie2/bowtie2 -x /home/admin_mbt/Desktop/shotgun/genomas2/intento2/data/intento2.bowtie -1 /home/admin_mbt/Desktop/shotgun/genomas2/intento2/temp/intento2.GM2353_2_2_L3.current_1 -2 /home/admin_mbt/Desktop/shotgun/genomas2/intento2/temp/intento2.GM2353_2_2_L3.current_2 -p 12 -S /home/admin_mbt/Desktop/shotgun/genomas2/intento2/data/bam/intento2.GM2353_2_2_L3.sam --very-sensitive-local ?

diegorojasa commented 4 months ago

Pude correr el código sin ningún problema con bwa!

Al correr el código que me indicas, da este resultado:

Error, fewer reads in file specified with -1 than in file specified with -2 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int' Aborted (core dumped) (ERR): bowtie2-align exited with value 134

fpusan commented 4 months ago

Can you check whether the input fastq files are properly paired for the sample that is failing?

diegorojasa commented 4 months ago

they were correctly named on the test.samples file but i was looking at the files themselves and found that one was not the same size as the other. I I deleted and uploaded again and now they are the same size. Most probably there was an error while copying/pasting the files from my computer to the VM :( I'm gonna try the run again

fpusan commented 2 months ago

Closing due to lack of activity, feel free to reopen