jtamames / SqueezeMeta

A complete pipeline for metagenomic analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stopping in STEP1 -> 01.run_all_assemblies.pl. Program finished abnormally #844

Closed AntonioPuriel closed 12 hours ago

AntonioPuriel commented 1 month ago

Hello, in my new project I need to know if my 🆔 name identifier assignment of my samples in raw data or I need to change the name identifier,

2024-05-08 04:52:42 - b'INFO sorting/base_engine.cpp : 148 - Preparing data...' 2024-05-08 04:52:42 - b'FATAL sequence/io/edge/edge_io_meta.h: 62 - Invalid format: bucket id not log_megahit.txt matched!' sylog_metagenomic_1.txt

jtamames commented 1 month ago

Hello I am not sure of understanding your question. Could you provide a valid link to your syslog file, please?

AntonioPuriel commented 1 month ago

sylog_metagenomic_1.txt log_megahit.txt SampleID_metagenomic1.txt

AntonioPuriel commented 1 month ago

Well my question, if the Raw data ID assignment is incorrect and that is why it is failing to assemble ?

fpusan commented 1 month ago

If by "Raw data ID assignment" you mean whether your samples file, I think it looks ok. Maybe some of the fastq files are malformed or not paired properly. It's hard to tell because the error you got is very obscure, there's nothing on it in the MEGAHIT repo. Can you check whether the files are properly paired? (zcat file.fastq.gz | wc -l should tell you the number of lines in the file, fwd and rev from the same library should have the same number of lines).