jtburgess / indigo-TP-LInk

Indigo Plugin for TP-Link SmartPlugs, powerStrips, dimmer switches, and dimmable bulbs; (coming someday color bulbs)
The Unlicense
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Error 'power_mw' on HS110 when Energy Monitoring with Polling is enabled #9

Closed sumocomputers closed 2 years ago

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

I have some HS110 and am on:

macOS 12.3.1 Indigo 2022.1 TP-Link Plugin 0.9.8

Any chance you will be updating the plugin for Indigo 2022.1 with Python 3 support on macOS 12.3?

I get the following errors in the log and assuming it is a Python issue? This is on an HS110 which does support Energy Monitoring.

TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update new device: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 2 seconds
TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:317): Unable to update new device: after 10 attempts. Polling for this device will now shut down. ('power_mw')
jtburgess commented 2 years ago

Thanks, but those messages are not much help. Both are in the except clause of a huge try. I’ll install the latest 2022.1 beta and do some troubleshooting. Stay tuned.

— john

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

Just for fun, here is the debug log, not sure if it is much help.

Also, I can't be sure that this is a Python 3 specific error, as I only tried the plugin after the Indigo 2022.1 and macOS 12.3 upgrade.

FYI, Indigo 2022.1 has now been released publicly.

   TP-Link Devices                 (plugin.py:deviceStartComm:237): called for: TP-Link 05 Test@
   TP-Link Devices                 (plugin.py:getDeviceStateList:468):  called for: 'TP-Link 05 Test'.
   TP-Link Devices                 (plugin.py:getDeviceStateList:469): called for dev: address :
batteryLevel : None
buttonConfiguredCount : 0
buttonGroupCount : 0
configured : True
description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring
deviceTypeId : tplinkSmartPlug
displayStateId : onOffState
displayStateImageSel : PowerOn
displayStateValRaw : True
displayStateValUi : on
enabled : True
energyAccumBaseTime : 2000-01-01 00:00:00
energyAccumTimeDelta : 0
energyAccumTotal : 0.0
energyCurLevel : 0.0
errorState : 
folderId : 0
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
     com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict)
          SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool)
          SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool)
          address : (string)
          addressSelect :  (string)
          childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
          description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string)
          devPoll : true (bool)
          deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
          displayManAddress : true (bool)
          displayManAddressButton : false (bool)
          displayOk : true (bool)
          energyCapable : true (bool)
          initialize : false (bool)
          mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string)
          manualAddressResponse : false (bool)
          model : HS110(US) (string)
          multiPlug : false (bool)
          newDev : false (bool)
          offPoll : 30 (string)
          onPoll : 10 (string)
          outletNum :  (string)
          outletsAvailable : 1 (string)
          totAccuUsage : 0 (string)
     com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict)
id : 1527462501
lastChanged : 2022-05-15 22:54:07
lastSuccessfulComm : 2022-05-15 22:54:07
ledStates : []
model : TP-Link Smart plug (all versions)
name : TP-Link 05 Test
onState : True
ownerProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict)
     SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool)
     SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool)
     address : (string)
     addressSelect :  (string)
     childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string)
     devPoll : true (bool)
     deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     displayManAddress : true (bool)
     displayManAddressButton : false (bool)
     displayOk : true (bool)
     energyCapable : true (bool)
     initialize : false (bool)
     mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string)
     manualAddressResponse : false (bool)
     model : HS110(US) (string)
     multiPlug : false (bool)
     newDev : false (bool)
     offPoll : 30 (string)
     onPoll : 10 (string)
     outletNum :  (string)
     outletsAvailable : 1 (string)
     totAccuUsage : 0 (string)
pluginId : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device
pluginProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict)
     SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool)
     SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool)
     address : (string)
     addressSelect :  (string)
     childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string)
     devPoll : true (bool)
     deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     displayManAddress : true (bool)
     displayManAddressButton : false (bool)
     displayOk : true (bool)
     energyCapable : true (bool)
     initialize : false (bool)
     mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string)
     manualAddressResponse : false (bool)
     model : HS110(US) (string)
     multiPlug : false (bool)
     newDev : false (bool)
     offPoll : 30 (string)
     onPoll : 10 (string)
     outletNum :  (string)
     outletsAvailable : 1 (string)
     totAccuUsage : 0 (string)
protocol : Plugin
remoteDisplay : True
sharedProps : com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict)
states : States : (dict)
     accumEnergyTimeDelta : 0 (integer)
     accumEnergyTotal : 0 (real)
     alias : 05 (string)
     curAmps : 0 (integer)
     curEnergyLevel : 0 (real)
     curVolts : 0 (integer)
     curWatts : 0 (integer)
     onOffState : on (on/off bool)
     rssi : -64 (integer)
     totWattHrs : 0 (integer)
subModel : 
subType : 
supportsAllLightsOnOff : False
supportsAllOff : False
supportsStatusRequest : True
version : None.
   TP-Link Devices                 (tplink_relay_plugin.py:getDeviceStateList:125):  called for: States : (list)
     Item : (dict)
          Disabled : false (bool)
          Key : rssi (string)
          StateLabel : rssi (string)
          TriggerLabel : rssi (string)
          Type : 100 (integer)
     Item : (dict)
          Disabled : false (bool)
          Key : alias (string)
          StateLabel : alias (string)
          TriggerLabel : alias (string)
          Type : 150 (integer).
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_polling.py:__init__:21): called for: TP-Link 05 Test.
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:__init__:21): called for: TP-Link 05 Test.
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:__init__:26): outlet: TP-Link 05 Test, multiPlug False
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:56): called for: address :
batteryLevel : None
buttonConfiguredCount : 0
buttonGroupCount : 0
configured : True
description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring
deviceTypeId : tplinkSmartPlug
displayStateId : onOffState
displayStateImageSel : PowerOn
displayStateValRaw : True
displayStateValUi : on
enabled : True
energyAccumBaseTime : 2000-01-01 00:00:00
energyAccumTimeDelta : 0
energyAccumTotal : 0.0
energyCurLevel : 0.0
errorState : 
folderId : 0
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
     com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict)
          SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool)
          SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool)
          address : (string)
          addressSelect :  (string)
          childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
          description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string)
          devPoll : true (bool)
          deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
          displayManAddress : true (bool)
          displayManAddressButton : false (bool)
          displayOk : true (bool)
          energyCapable : true (bool)
          initialize : false (bool)
          mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string)
          manualAddressResponse : false (bool)
          model : HS110(US) (string)
          multiPlug : false (bool)
          newDev : false (bool)
          offPoll : 30 (string)
          onPoll : 10 (string)
          outletNum :  (string)
          outletsAvailable : 1 (string)
          totAccuUsage : 0 (string)
     com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict)
id : 1527462501
lastChanged : 2022-05-15 22:54:07
lastSuccessfulComm : 2022-05-15 22:54:07
ledStates : []
model : TP-Link Smart plug (all versions)
name : TP-Link 05 Test
onState : True
ownerProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict)
     SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool)
     SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool)
     address : (string)
     addressSelect :  (string)
     childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string)
     devPoll : true (bool)
     deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     displayManAddress : true (bool)
     displayManAddressButton : false (bool)
     displayOk : true (bool)
     energyCapable : true (bool)
     initialize : false (bool)
     mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string)
     manualAddressResponse : false (bool)
     model : HS110(US) (string)
     multiPlug : false (bool)
     newDev : false (bool)
     offPoll : 30 (string)
     onPoll : 10 (string)
     outletNum :  (string)
     outletsAvailable : 1 (string)
     totAccuUsage : 0 (string)
pluginId : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device
pluginProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict)
     SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool)
     SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool)
     address : (string)
     addressSelect :  (string)
     childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string)
     devPoll : true (bool)
     deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string)
     displayManAddress : true (bool)
     displayManAddressButton : false (bool)
     displayOk : true (bool)
     energyCapable : true (bool)
     initialize : false (bool)
     mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string)
     manualAddressResponse : false (bool)
     model : HS110(US) (string)
     multiPlug : false (bool)
     newDev : false (bool)
     offPoll : 30 (string)
     onPoll : 10 (string)
     outletNum :  (string)
     outletsAvailable : 1 (string)
     totAccuUsage : 0 (string)
protocol : Plugin
remoteDisplay : True
sharedProps : com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict)
states : States : (dict)
     accumEnergyTimeDelta : 0 (integer)
     accumEnergyTotal : 0 (real)
     alias : 05 (string)
     curAmps : 0 (integer)
     curEnergyLevel : 0 (real)
     curVolts : 0 (integer)
     curWatts : 0 (integer)
     onOffState : on (on/off bool)
     rssi : -64 (integer)
     totWattHrs : 0 (integer)
subModel : 
subType : 
supportsAllLightsOnOff : False
supportsAllOff : False
supportsStatusRequest : True
version : None.
   TP-Link Devices                 (plugin.py:deviceStartComm:267): Polling thread started for device TP-Link 05 Test,
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:62): TP-Link 05 Test multiPlug is False
   TP-Link Devices                 Polling started for TP-Link 05 Test@
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:64): Starting data refresh for TP-Link 05 Test :tplinkSmartPlug: with 30
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195997,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-66,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -66, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=2
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:189): TP-Link 05 Test: state= 1, lastState=1 : True
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:200): TP-Link 05 Test is now On: localOnOff=False, logOnOff=True
   TP-Link Devices                 TP-Link 05 Test found set to On
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_polling.py:interupt:32): called for TP-Link 05 Test with action=state, state=True
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:209): Polling found TP-Link 05 Test set to On
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:210): TP-Link 05 Test, updated state on server to True (-66, 05)
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -66, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195997,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195997,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}')
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}}
   TP-Link Devices                 (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016335,"voltage":122.175581,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'|
   TP-Link Devices Error           (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:317): Unable to update TP-Link 05 Test: after 10 attempts. Polling for this device will now shut down. ('power_mw')
   TP-Link Devices                 (plugin.py:deviceStopComm:297): deviceStopComn entered TP-Link 05 Test,
   TP-Link Devices                 (plugin.py:deviceStopComm:299): deviceStopComn ending TP-Link 05 Test,
   TP-Link Devices                 Polling stopped for TP-Link 05 Test@
jtburgess commented 2 years ago

AHA. My code is looking for attributes: power_mw, voltage_mv, and current_ma, but it received: {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}’

Perhaps newer models have a different value set. I’ll change it to allow either.

Git has been updated. New version is Since I have no devices with power monitoring, you’ll have to get and let me know the results.

BTW: did this work with Indigo 2021 / tplink plugin 0.9.8? if I’m reading the code right, it shouldnt have worked!!

-- John

On May 16, 2022, at 6:40 PM, sumocomputers @.***> wrote:

Just for fun, here is the debug log, not sure if it is much help.

Also, I can't be sure that this is a Python 3 specific error, as I only tried the plugin after the Indigo 2022.1 and macOS 12.3 upgrade.

FYI, Indigo 2022.1 has now been released publicly.

TP-Link Devices (plugin.py:deviceStartComm:237): called for: TP-Link 05 @. @.>. TP-Link Devices (plugin.py:getDeviceStateList:468): called for: 'TP-Link 05 Test'. TP-Link Devices (plugin.py:getDeviceStateList:469): called for dev: address : batteryLevel : None buttonConfiguredCount : 0 buttonGroupCount : 0 configured : True description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring deviceTypeId : tplinkSmartPlug displayStateId : onOffState displayStateImageSel : PowerOn displayStateValRaw : True displayStateValUi : on enabled : True energyAccumBaseTime : 2000-01-01 00:00:00 energyAccumTimeDelta : 0 energyAccumTotal : 0.0 energyCurLevel : 0.0 errorState : folderId : 0 globalProps : MetaProps : (dict) com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict) SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool) SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool) address : (string) addressSelect : (string) childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string) devPoll : true (bool) deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) displayManAddress : true (bool) displayManAddressButton : false (bool) displayOk : true (bool) energyCapable : true (bool) initialize : false (bool) mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string) manualAddressResponse : false (bool) model : HS110(US) (string) multiPlug : false (bool) newDev : false (bool) offPoll : 30 (string) onPoll : 10 (string) outletNum : (string) outletsAvailable : 1 (string) totAccuUsage : 0 (string) com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict) id : 1527462501 lastChanged : 2022-05-15 22:54:07 lastSuccessfulComm : 2022-05-15 22:54:07 ledStates : [] model : TP-Link Smart plug (all versions) name : TP-Link 05 Test onState : True ownerProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict) SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool) SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool) address : (string) addressSelect : (string) childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string) devPoll : true (bool) deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) displayManAddress : true (bool) displayManAddressButton : false (bool) displayOk : true (bool) energyCapable : true (bool) initialize : false (bool) mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string) manualAddressResponse : false (bool) model : HS110(US) (string) multiPlug : false (bool) newDev : false (bool) offPoll : 30 (string) onPoll : 10 (string) outletNum : (string) outletsAvailable : 1 (string) totAccuUsage : 0 (string) pluginId : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device pluginProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict) SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool) SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool) address : (string) addressSelect : (string) childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string) devPoll : true (bool) deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) displayManAddress : true (bool) displayManAddressButton : false (bool) displayOk : true (bool) energyCapable : true (bool) initialize : false (bool) mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string) manualAddressResponse : false (bool) model : HS110(US) (string) multiPlug : false (bool) newDev : false (bool) offPoll : 30 (string) onPoll : 10 (string) outletNum : (string) outletsAvailable : 1 (string) totAccuUsage : 0 (string) protocol : Plugin remoteDisplay : True sharedProps : com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict) states : States : (dict) accumEnergyTimeDelta : 0 (integer) accumEnergyTotal : 0 (real) alias : 05 (string) curAmps : 0 (integer) curEnergyLevel : 0 (real) curVolts : 0 (integer) curWatts : 0 (integer) onOffState : on (on/off bool) rssi : -64 (integer) totWattHrs : 0 (integer) subModel : subType : supportsAllLightsOnOff : False supportsAllOff : False supportsStatusRequest : True version : None. TP-Link Devices (tplink_relay_plugin.py:getDeviceStateList:125): called for: States : (list) Item : (dict) Disabled : false (bool) Key : rssi (string) StateLabel : rssi (string) TriggerLabel : rssi (string) Type : 100 (integer) Item : (dict) Disabled : false (bool) Key : alias (string) StateLabel : alias (string) TriggerLabel : alias (string) Type : 150 (integer). TP-Link Devices (tpl_polling.py:init:21): called for: TP-Link 05 Test. TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:init:21): called for: TP-Link 05 Test. TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:init:26): outlet: TP-Link 05 Test, multiPlug False TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:56): called for: address : batteryLevel : None buttonConfiguredCount : 0 buttonGroupCount : 0 configured : True description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring deviceTypeId : tplinkSmartPlug displayStateId : onOffState displayStateImageSel : PowerOn displayStateValRaw : True displayStateValUi : on enabled : True energyAccumBaseTime : 2000-01-01 00:00:00 energyAccumTimeDelta : 0 energyAccumTotal : 0.0 energyCurLevel : 0.0 errorState : folderId : 0 globalProps : MetaProps : (dict) com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict) SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool) SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool) address : (string) addressSelect : (string) childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string) devPoll : true (bool) deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) displayManAddress : true (bool) displayManAddressButton : false (bool) displayOk : true (bool) energyCapable : true (bool) initialize : false (bool) mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string) manualAddressResponse : false (bool) model : HS110(US) (string) multiPlug : false (bool) newDev : false (bool) offPoll : 30 (string) onPoll : 10 (string) outletNum : (string) outletsAvailable : 1 (string) totAccuUsage : 0 (string) com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict) id : 1527462501 lastChanged : 2022-05-15 22:54:07 lastSuccessfulComm : 2022-05-15 22:54:07 ledStates : [] model : TP-Link Smart plug (all versions) name : TP-Link 05 Test onState : True ownerProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict) SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool) SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool) address : (string) addressSelect : (string) childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string) devPoll : true (bool) deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) displayManAddress : true (bool) displayManAddressButton : false (bool) displayOk : true (bool) energyCapable : true (bool) initialize : false (bool) mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string) manualAddressResponse : false (bool) model : HS110(US) (string) multiPlug : false (bool) newDev : false (bool) offPoll : 30 (string) onPoll : 10 (string) outletNum : (string) outletsAvailable : 1 (string) totAccuUsage : 0 (string) pluginId : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device pluginProps : com.JohnBurgess.indigoplugin.TP-Link-Device : (dict) SupportsEnergyMeter : true (bool) SupportsEnergyMeterCurPower : true (bool) address : (string) addressSelect : (string) childId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) description : Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring (string) devPoll : true (bool) deviceId : 8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF (string) displayManAddress : true (bool) displayManAddressButton : false (bool) displayOk : true (bool) energyCapable : true (bool) initialize : false (bool) mac : 50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B (string) manualAddressResponse : false (bool) model : HS110(US) (string) multiPlug : false (bool) newDev : false (bool) offPoll : 30 (string) onPoll : 10 (string) outletNum : (string) outletsAvailable : 1 (string) totAccuUsage : 0 (string) protocol : Plugin remoteDisplay : True sharedProps : com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict) states : States : (dict) accumEnergyTimeDelta : 0 (integer) accumEnergyTotal : 0 (real) alias : 05 (string) curAmps : 0 (integer) curEnergyLevel : 0 (real) curVolts : 0 (integer) curWatts : 0 (integer) onOffState : on (on/off bool) rssi : -64 (integer) totWattHrs : 0 (integer) subModel : subType : supportsAllLightsOnOff : False supportsAllOff : False supportsStatusRequest : True version : None. TP-Link Devices (plugin.py:deviceStartComm:267): Polling thread started for device TP-Link 05 Test, TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:62): TP-Link 05 Test multiPlug is False TP-Link Devices Polling started for TP-Link 05 @. @.>. TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:64): Starting data refresh for TP-Link 05 Test :tplinkSmartPlug: with 30 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195997,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-66,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -66, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=2 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:189): TP-Link 05 Test: state= 1, lastState=1 : True TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:200): TP-Link 05 Test is now On: localOnOff=False, logOnOff=True TP-Link Devices TP-Link 05 Test found set to On TP-Link Devices (tpl_polling.py:interupt:32): called for TP-Link 05 Test with action=state, state=True TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:209): Polling found TP-Link 05 Test set to On TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:210): TP-Link 05 Test, updated state on server to True (-66, 05) TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -66, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195997,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195997,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195997, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016467,"voltage":122.212645,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:322): Error attempting to update TP-Link 05 Test: 'power_mw'. Will try again in 10 seconds TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:75): TP-Link 05 Test: Starting polling loop with interval 10

TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:78): TP-Link 05 Test connection received (b'{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{"err_code":0,"sw_ver":"1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701","hw_ver":"1.0","type":"IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH","model":"HS110(US)","mac":"50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B","deviceId":"8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF","hwId":"60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61","fwId":"00000000000000000000000000000000","oemId":"FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE","alias":"05","dev_name":"Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring","icon_hash":"","relay_state":1,"on_time":195998,"active_mode":"none","feature":"TIM:ENE","updating":0,"rssi":-65,"led_off":0,"latitude":32.898136,"longitude":-117.102111}}}') TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:83): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state data collection with {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:171): TP-Link 05 Test: single outlet device 1 state= 1, lastState=1 TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:212): TP-Link 05 Test: finished state update {'system': {'get_sysinfo': {'err_code': 0, 'sw_ver': '1.2.6 Build 200727 Rel.121701', 'hw_ver': '1.0', 'type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'model': 'HS110(US)', 'mac': '50:C7:BF:01:ED:6B', 'deviceId': '8006EF36C96DE68A7A21DF4096016F8C173A25EF', 'hwId': '60FF6B258734EA6880E186F8C96DDC61', 'fwId': '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'oemId': 'FFF22CFF774A0B89F7624BFC6F50D5DE', 'alias': '05', 'dev_name': 'Wi-Fi Smart Plug With Energy Monitoring', 'icon_hash': '', 'relay_state': 1, 'on_time': 195998, 'active_mode': 'none', 'feature': 'TIM:ENE', 'updating': 0, 'rssi': -65, 'led_off': 0, 'latitude': 32.898136, 'longitude': -117.102111}}} TP-Link Devices (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:271): Received result: |b'{"emeter":{"get_realtime":{"current":0.016335,"voltage":122.175581,"power":0,"total":0.906000,"err_code":0}}}'| TP-Link Devices Error (tpl_relay_poll.py:run:317): Unable to update TP-Link 05 Test: after 10 attempts. Polling for this device will now shut down. ('power_mw') TP-Link Devices (plugin.py:deviceStopComm:297): deviceStopComn entered TP-Link 05 Test, TP-Link Devices (plugin.py:deviceStopComm:299): deviceStopComn ending TP-Link 05 Test, TP-Link Devices Polling stopped for TP-Link 05 @. @.>. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/jtburgess/indigo-TP-LInk/issues/9#issuecomment-1128206769, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AHAHALPOMLAL772SQ7CIVTLVKLFGBANCNFSM5V53N6LQ. You are receiving this because you commented.

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

I’ll give a try. It’s possible others using this plug-in never had an HS110 or perhaps were on an older FW.

I never used any version of the plug-in prior to Indigo 2022.1. The reason I looked at this plug-in was because my old Python script stopped working with 2022.1.

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

@jtburgess Unfortunately the plugin will not load. Here are the relevant log entries:

TP-Link Devices Error Error in plugin execution InitializeMain: File "plugin.py", line 35, in <module> type: unterminated string literal (detected at line 246) (tpl_relay_poll.py, line 246) Stopped plugin "TP-Link Devices"

jtburgess commented 2 years ago

Typos are my nemesis. Try again, now I should have time to install 2022.1 myself this evening. I tried installing it on another computer, but can’t because I only have one license, and couldn’t see how to generate a trial license ☹️

-- John

On May 17, 2022, at 11:21 AM, sumocomputers @.***> wrote:

@jtburgess https://github.com/jtburgess Unfortunately the plugin will not load. Here are the relevant log entries:

TP-Link Devices Error Error in plugin execution InitializeMain: File "plugin.py", line 35, in type: unterminated string literal (detected at line 246) (tpl_relay_poll.py, line 246) Stopped plugin "TP-Link Devices"

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/jtburgess/indigo-TP-LInk/issues/9#issuecomment-1129005311, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AHAHALLELCAQLTLI3O46RPDVKO2RHANCNFSM5V53N6LQ. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

I’ll give it a go later.

The Indigo guys really should offer plug-in developers an additional server license for testing.

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

I'm afraid no-go:

File "plugin.py", line 35, in <module> type: invalid syntax (tpl_relay_poll.py, line 19)

jtburgess commented 2 years ago

Sigh. Another rusty programmer goof. Now . . . And I am now running 2022.1.0, so at least it basically works. But I still don’t have any devices with energy, so still need to rely on you to test that. Thanks a lot for doing this BTW!

-- John

On May 17, 2022, at 5:02 PM, sumocomputers @.***> wrote:

 I'm afraid no-go:

File "plugin.py", line 35, in type: invalid syntax (tpl_relay_poll.py, line 19)

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sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

No worries, I’ll give it a go soon and try to work out any issues

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

I haven't run any loads, yet, but seems to be working at some level. I will try hooking up a known good load and let you know what I find.

Did notice some wonky data under custom states (see screenshots).

Not sure about the curAmps, but curVolts is maybe off by 3 decimal places? If I am reading it right.

Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 6 51 46 PM Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 6 51 35 PM

sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

So I plugged a 8.5 watt LED bulb into an HS110, and this is what I am getting. I think the decimals are just off by a few (3?)...

Screen Shot 2022-05-18 at 11 43 05 AM
jtburgess commented 2 years ago

Well, that’s progress ( it runs 😉). You may be the first person to actually exercise this logic!

Volts should be 120-ish if it’s a normal AC device. I’ll multiply all 3 by 1000. And post another version -- John

On May 18, 2022, at 2:44 PM, sumocomputers @.***> wrote:

 So I plugged a 8.5 watt LED bulb into an HS110, and this is what I am getting. I think the decimals are just off by a few (3?)...

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jtburgess commented 2 years ago

Ruinously the original code, contributed by someone else, divided all those numbers by 1000, so I just removed that. now available.

-- John

On May 18, 2022, at 2:44 PM, sumocomputers @.***> wrote:

 So I plugged a 8.5 watt LED bulb into an HS110, and this is what I am getting. I think the decimals are just off by a few (3?)...

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sumocomputers commented 2 years ago

Numbers seem to work good on sanity check.

Not sure if the calculation adjustments you just made are device-specific, but if they are Global, I am concerned that other devices might need that divide by 1000, since maybe they report differently than the HS110.

I know another member on the Indigo forum thread said the old 0.9.8 plugin worked with his power strip on 2022.1.

Just something to think about.

jtburgess commented 2 years ago

Yeah. I’m worried about that, too. It probably has to do with the different attribute names on your device. I’ll work on making it work the old way with the old names, and the new way with new names…

-- John

On May 18, 2022, at 6:42 PM, sumocomputers @.***> wrote:

 Numbers seem to work good on sanity check.

Not sure if the calculation adjustments you just made are device-specific, but if they are Global, I am concerned that other devices might need that divide by 1000, since maybe they report differently than the HS110.

I know another member on the Indigo forum thread said the old 0.9.8 plugin worked with his power strip on 2022.1.

Just something to think about.

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Ramias1 commented 2 years ago

I am running the previous published version of this on 2022.1 and my power usage numbers (3w for an idle Apple TV) show correctly. So at least the power strip needs the divide by 1000.

jtburgess commented 2 years ago

Got it. There are two different sets of attributes, one set has ‘_mw’ at the end of the name. Those need the /1000. The other set doesn’t. I’ll make sure that happens befor I release a new version for 2022.1

-- John

On May 18, 2022, at 10:28 PM, Ramias1 @.***> wrote:

 I am running the previous published version of this on 2022.1 and my power usage numbers (3w for an idle Apple TV) show correctly. So at least the power strip needs the divide by 1000.

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jtburgess commented 2 years ago

the plugin now does the /1000 for attributes with "_mw", "mv", etc, and not for attributes without the suffix.