jtfell / WiFiMesh-ESP8266

Arduino Library for creating a mesh network with ESP8266 WiFi chips
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HelloMesh, no connections #2

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi, id uploaded the HelloMesh (not modified) example to six Esp´s. But no one connect to each other. It fails while connecting to any suitable APs which contain _ssid_prefix.

Id checked if the sketch scans correct for Ap s and if it filter the chip id s out. That works fine.

Maybe its import: current_ssid is always empty if id print them out over Serial with Serial.println(current_ssid);

The if sentence if (index >= 0 && (target_chip_id < _chip_id)) {} does never happen.

Just with interest, if id understood the code steps correctly.

1) Scanning for Aps 2) Filtering out Nodes with SSID Prefix Mesh_Node out. 3) Seperating chip id out of the filtered APs list. 4) Changing from AP mode to STA mode (Do not happen because the if sentence is not true) 5) Connecting to filtered Nodes ("") 6) Sending a request to the given Node and getting Answer ("") 7) Display the answer and change back to AP mode. ("")

Pls correct me if im wrong.

Sorry for my English. Thanks in Advance.