jtgrassie / monero-pool

A Monero mining pool server written in C
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
344 stars 125 forks source link

Pool Hashrate is always 0 #87

Closed iamshyambandla closed 3 years ago

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

no errors on pool or miner side.. miner is connected .. pool hashrate is always 0 diff- 10000 hashrate - 100 H/s

please help

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

pool-listen = pool-port = 4242 pool-ssl-port = pool-syn-backlog = 16 webui-listen = webui-port = 4243 rpc-host = rpc-port = 18081 wallet-rpc-host = wallet-rpc-port = 18084 rpc-timeout = 300 idle-timeout = 3000 pool-wallet = 44D3d7Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pool-fee-wallet = 44D3d7Uxxxxxxxxx pool-start-diff = 10000 pool-fixed-diff = 10000 pool-nicehash-diff = 280000 pool-fee = 1.00 payment-threshold = 0.33 share-mul = 2.0 retarget-time = 30 retarget-ratio = 0.55 log-level = 5 log-file =/home/ubuntu/log.shyam block-notified = 1 disable-self-select = 0 disable-hash-check = 0 disable-payouts = 1 data-dir = ./data pid-file = forked = 0 processes = 1 cull-shares = -1

trusted-listen =

trusted-port = 4244

trusted-allowed =,

upstream-host =

upstream-port = 4244

pool-view-key =

my pool.conf file

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

please give me a proper conf file too

jtgrassie commented 3 years ago

You've set the pool to run at fixed diff and probably aren't submitting any shares that meet that diff.

please give me a proper conf file too

I have, it's in the repository. If you can't work out which settings you want to change you probably shouldn't be running a pool!

This is not a support channel, it's a bug tracker.

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

sorry for disturbing you... but i can't find solution .. i tried to contact u even through twitter.. please help me to setup my pool.. my pool ui pool port..

pool-listen = pool-port = 4242 pool-ssl-port = pool-syn-backlog = 16 webui-listen = webui-port = 4243 rpc-host = rpc-port = 18081 wallet-rpc-host = wallet-rpc-port = 18084 rpc-timeout = 15 idle-timeout = 150 pool-wallet = 44D3d7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pool-fee-wallet = 44D3d7xxxxxxxxxx pool-start-diff = 1000 pool-fixed-diff = 0 pool-nicehash-diff = 280000 pool-fee = 1.00 payment-threshold = 0.33 share-mul = 2.0 retarget-time = 30 retarget-ratio = 0.55 log-level = 5 log-file =/home/ubuntu/log.shyam block-notified = 1 disable-self-select = 0 disable-hash-check = 0 disable-payouts = 1 data-dir = ./data pid-file = forked = 0 processes = 1 cull-shares = -1

trusted-listen =

trusted-port = 4244

trusted-allowed =,

upstream-host =

upstream-port = 4244

pool-view-key =

this is my conf file and i'm completly noob please guide me... please check my web ui and corect my conf file

jtgrassie commented 3 years ago

As I keep saying, this is not a support channel. That said...

Last template: 53 minutes ago

You have to have your daemon and pool connected and daemon in-sync. If you don't know how to run the daemon, you probably shouldn't be running a pool!

block-notified = 1 did you read the README? Do you know about Linux permissions?

Given that the pool hashrate gets updated on each new block and your daemon is not notifying the pool of new blocks (hence the stale "last template"), the pool hashrate will always show as zero.

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

please just correct me ... i will never ask again..

my conclusion is my pool hashate will be updated after i find the block

Last Block Found is the block i found not in entire monero network

blocks found are blocks found by my pool only

please this is the final one

jtgrassie commented 3 years ago

my conclusion is my pool hashate will be updated after i find the block

Wrong. Your pool hashrate gets updated every time the daemon notifies the pool the network has mined a new block.

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

systemd-r 687 systemd-resolve 13u IPv4 17484 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) sshd 887 root 3u IPv4 21246 0t0 TCP :22 (LISTEN) sshd 887 root 4u IPv6 21257 0t0 TCP :22 (LISTEN) apache2 898 root 4u IPv6 18430 0t0 TCP :80 (LISTEN) apache2 899 www-data 4u IPv6 18430 0t0 TCP :80 (LISTEN) apache2 900 www-data 4u IPv6 18430 0t0 TCP :80 (LISTEN) monero-po 13806 ubuntu 13u IPv4 266671 0t0 TCP :4242 (LISTEN) monero-po 13806 ubuntu 14u IPv4 265878 0t0 TCP :4243 (LISTEN) monerod 13854 ubuntu 12u IPv4 266851 0t0 TCP :18080 (LISTEN) monerod 13854 ubuntu 16u IPv4 266853 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) monerod 13854 ubuntu 23u IPv4 266862 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) monero-wa 13918 ubuntu 20u IPv4 267158 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)

my ports-----

ubuntu 13806 2.0 29.5 7837864 2404868 pts/0 SLl 21:05 0:35 ./monero-pool -c pool.conf -l shyam.lul ubuntu 13854 2.3 11.8 50739604 967552 ? SLl 21:15 0:26 monerod --rpc-bind-ip --detach --prune-blockchain --block-notify /usr/bin/pkill -USR1 monero-pool ubuntu 13918 0.4 0.2 285068 21608 ? SLl 21:22 0:03 monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 18084 --password shyam --wallet-file Shyam --disable-rpc-login --trusted-daemon --detach

pool wallet rpc and daemon stats

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

last template is getting updated .. but not pool hashate

jtgrassie commented 3 years ago

i will never ask again..

So that was a bold face lie!

For crying out loud, watch your pool log. Are your miners submitting work that is being accepted?

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

sorry brother u are the developer i have no one to ask except u.. that's y i'm asking u.. thank u for your patience and time

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1577: Variant: 8 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1449: Miner hashing blob: 0e0e8098b78406c271629311042640d3422047420d3548df8cc43674be9a11ea94b838d20388ab00000000207f92ed32dae190b3a4fcd65afdf3ccbd8929d3884d5454c5a6bbeaa07fa77a20 21:45:36 DEBUG src/pool.c:1165: Miner ff0f7776c225448c9bce3eb223da21a9 target now: 1000 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1473: Miner job: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"id":"ff0f7776c225448c9bce3eb223da21a9","blob":"0e0e8098b78406c271629311042640d3422047420d3548df8cc43674be9a11ea94b838d20388ab00000000207f92ed32dae190b3a4fcd65afdf3ccbd8929d3884d5454c5a6bbeaa07fa77a20","job_id":"91468b8e073d4ebe9a3850dd49155028","target":"37894100","height":2351601,"seed_hash":"15076796aff1eb4b5b894462dbe60bf0a123df2ea1ea7e54467524ad59ca47bc","next_seed_hash":""}} 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1449: Miner hashing blob: 0e0e8098b78406c271629311042640d3422047420d3548df8cc43674be9a11ea94b838d20388ab00000000e8d18f7dae171b89d39eccbee3f5d83c93f3cc84031b61bcce63134ea203423e20 21:45:36 DEBUG src/pool.c:1165: Miner 2baf2d8ecc9447a99959bc6e15c4d6c6 target now: 1000 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1473: Miner job: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"id":"2baf2d8ecc9447a99959bc6e15c4d6c6","blob":"0e0e8098b78406c271629311042640d3422047420d3548df8cc43674be9a11ea94b838d20388ab00000000e8d18f7dae171b89d39eccbee3f5d83c93f3cc84031b61bcce63134ea203423e20","job_id":"e48342103b744553996a6e3b4f0e1b31","target":"37894100","height":2351601,"seed_hash":"15076796aff1eb4b5b894462dbe60bf0a123df2ea1ea7e54467524ad59ca47bc","next_seed_hash":""}} 21:45:36 DEBUG src/pool.c:963: Processing blocks 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351531 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351531 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351532 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351532 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351533 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351533 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351534 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351534 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351535 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351535 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351536 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351536 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351537 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351537 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351538 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351538 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351539 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351539 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351540 21:45:36 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351540 21:48:32 TRACE src/pool.c:3282: Miner submitted nonce=498, result=ac70349559fb7bfc7309e917d98db9f5acd265dbcdfbaaadb7082d2290432000, host=, address=47wcnDjCDdjATivqH9GjC92jH9Vng7LCBMMxFmTV1Ybf5227MXhyD2gXynLUa9zrh5aPMAnu5npeQ2tLy8Z4pH7461vk6uo, rig_id= 21:48:32 TRACE src/pool.c:3354: Submission reserved values: 498 4 0 0 21:48:32 DEBUG src/pool.c:3431: Invalid share 21:49:15 TRACE src/pool.c:3282: Miner submitted nonce=621, result=479f700b9bb64a4460e929aeaaa914d0c94ba953bd598c176eb7f795e5c73a00, host=, address=47wcnDjCDdjATivqH9GjC92jH9Vng7LCBMMxFmTV1Ybf5227MXhyD2gXynLUa9zrh5aPMAnu5npeQ2tLy8Z4pH7461vk6uo, rig_id= 21:49:15 TRACE src/pool.c:3354: Submission reserved values: 621 4 0 0 21:49:15 DEBUG src/pool.c:3431: Invalid share 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:4246: Fetching last block header from signal 21:49:24 INFO src/pool.c:2330: Fetching last block header 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1729: Payload: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_last_block_header"} 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1978: Got last block header: { "id": "0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "block_header": { "block_size": 60089, "block_weight": 60089, "cumulative_difficulty": 103181075227131550, "cumulative_difficulty_top64": 0, "depth": 0, "difficulty": 257273504290, "difficulty_top64": 0, "hash": "b5b264a580702d5b5de59725b9844a85e31264e3834973b399cae5953eb2a313", "height": 2351601, "long_term_weight": 60089, "major_version": 14, "miner_tx_hash": "d20dd37a9a3df804aa9ba486470b6adc66716d1b73dd8a6cc084f1df482da2a9", "minor_version": 14, "nonce": 168968, "num_txes": 31, "orphan_status": false, "pow_hash": "", "prev_hash": "c271629311042640d3422047420d3548df8cc43674be9a11ea94b838d20388ab", "reward": 1044864214001, "timestamp": 1619905514, "wide_cumulative_difficulty": "0x16e92a42874be9e", "wide_difficulty": "0x3be6b22222" }, "credits": 0, "status": "OK", "top_hash": "", "untrusted": false } } 21:49:24 DEBUG src/pool.c:1072: Pool hashrate: 0 21:49:24 INFO src/pool.c:2030: Fetching new block template 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1729: Payload: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_block_template","params":{"wallet_address":"44D3d7UPutDbyPhp9kJRVF5YMoV3gZ4VCHYejaFY28sdV3DzNXU8ATRifxtqpaKraWbiRyxqjS3HG6YEdHeTKyNpHWpW9jS","reserve_size":17}} 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1729: Payload: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_block_headers_range","params":{"start_height":2351532,"end_height":2351541}} 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1806: Got block template: { "id": "0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "blockhashing_blob": "0e0ee499b78406b5b264a580702d5b5de59725b9844a85e31264e3834973b399cae5953eb2a3130000000092fbad010fae7db6ccc8c5ad0846ed12ec6c540675383126a6ab10eddcd8fbf929", "blocktemplate_blob": "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", "difficulty": 257112345559, "difficulty_top64": 0, "expected_reward": 1044900064151, "height": 2351602, "next_seed_hash": "", "prev_hash": "b5b264a580702d5b5de59725b9844a85e31264e3834973b399cae5953eb2a313", "reserved_offset": 130, "seed_hash": "15076796aff1eb4b5b894462dbe60bf0a123df2ea1ea7e54467524ad59ca47bc", "seed_height": 2351104, "status": "OK", "untrusted": false, "wide_difficulty": "0x3bdd170bd7" } } 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1577: Variant: 8 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1449: Miner hashing blob: 0e0ee499b78406b5b264a580702d5b5de59725b9844a85e31264e3834973b399cae5953eb2a313000000000b5543fd529d0fd686bf72cdb73747f3b339966e1026aaa269481e2a69071f5729 21:49:24 DEBUG src/pool.c:1165: Miner ff0f7776c225448c9bce3eb223da21a9 target now: 1000 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1473: Miner job: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"id":"ff0f7776c225448c9bce3eb223da21a9","blob":"0e0ee499b78406b5b264a580702d5b5de59725b9844a85e31264e3834973b399cae5953eb2a313000000000b5543fd529d0fd686bf72cdb73747f3b339966e1026aaa269481e2a69071f5729","job_id":"f53099801528424e9498640c80859b1c","target":"37894100","height":2351602,"seed_hash":"15076796aff1eb4b5b894462dbe60bf0a123df2ea1ea7e54467524ad59ca47bc","next_seed_hash":""}} 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1449: Miner hashing blob: 0e0ee499b78406b5b264a580702d5b5de59725b9844a85e31264e3834973b399cae5953eb2a31300000000e9216b3c3007ca27ad9863ae1f28b9e54cba217c9b5ffead0513e87959e397c729 21:49:24 DEBUG src/pool.c:1165: Miner 2baf2d8ecc9447a99959bc6e15c4d6c6 target now: 1000 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1473: Miner job: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"id":"2baf2d8ecc9447a99959bc6e15c4d6c6","blob":"0e0ee499b78406b5b264a580702d5b5de59725b9844a85e31264e3834973b399cae5953eb2a31300000000e9216b3c3007ca27ad9863ae1f28b9e54cba217c9b5ffead0513e87959e397c729","job_id":"2732ffa9175745ddabe7adec32d9df8c","target":"37894100","height":2351602,"seed_hash":"15076796aff1eb4b5b894462dbe60bf0a123df2ea1ea7e54467524ad59ca47bc","next_seed_hash":""}} 21:49:24 DEBUG src/pool.c:963: Processing blocks 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351532 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351532 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351533 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351533 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351534 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351534 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351535 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351535 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351536 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351536 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351537 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351537 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351538 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351538 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351539 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351539 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351540 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351540 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:991: Processing block at height 2351541 21:49:24 TRACE src/pool.c:1001: No stored block at height: 2351541

this is my log

jtgrassie commented 3 years ago

u are the developer i have no one to ask except u

Just because I developed an open-source pool (which lots of people use successfully I might add), does not mean that I owe you support or that Github Issues (a bug tracker) is the place to even ask for support. If you bothered to read the README you'd see:

If you need help setting up your own pool, you can find me (jtgrassie) on IRC in #monero-pool and many of the other Monero channels.

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

that's not what i mean .. u are the boss here.. i searched everywhere but i can't find answer.. and i'm a noob.. please tell me the problem in my setup after this i will logout from this account... promise i will never bother u again forever

jtgrassie commented 3 years ago

If you bothered to read your pool log, you'd see:

21:49:15 DEBUG src/pool.c:3431: Invalid share

Obviously if your pool only has one miner and that one miner is not submitting valid jobs your pool hashrate is zero.

iamshyambandla commented 3 years ago

tq brother and tq for your support...

jtgrassie commented 3 years ago

Now please – stop using the bug tracker for soliciting support.