jtimon / config

Emacs, Conkeror and other highly configurable programs config files. Intended to be multiplattform (gnu/linux + windows)
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xmodmap: keyboard remapping #1

Open jtimon opened 11 years ago

jtimon commented 11 years ago

Use the same key for mod4 (win) and for special (spanish/portuguese) characters.

An alternative (if it's possible) would be to map mode_switch as a dead key and set it to insert, caps_lock or another unused key that is pressed with a fn button on HHK.

If neither of the alternatives is possible, decide on setting it on alt_R or ctrl_R.

Also decide where to put control:

1) Caps_lock [Old Unix position](don't touch it with HHK) 2) Alt [Mac position]: then alt to super and super to caps_lock

jtimon commented 11 years ago

This will cause problems with applications that hardcode super symkeys instead of only looking at mod4. It doesn't seem possible to have mode_switch as a dead key.

The chosen config changes Alt_R for switch_mode (like AltGr in the spanish layout) and some keys are remapped to work with it (áéíóúñ). Control/Alt/AltGr/Win can still be moved, but not likely. Current config:

Caps -> control (with no remapping due to HHK) Win, Alt, Space, AltGr, Control


jtimon commented 11 years ago

For windows I've used microsoft keyboard layout creator. Added all the dead punctuation symbols in case are needed for portuguese. The program doesn't allow you to change modifiers: that is doable with autohotkeys, but if I don't decide to move them, cap2ctrl is simpler. Euro added to AltGr-5, don't have yen symbol With the current setup the only bad thing when switching to from HHK to normal keys is that HHK losses its well placed caps_lock for another control, which I don't use anyway.