jtkencode / cp-leaderboard

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Store Encode CP members (and graduates) #7

Open saifulwebid opened 3 years ago

saifulwebid commented 3 years ago

We want to store Encode CP members (and graduates) in a JSON file, maybe on data/people.json (feel free to suggest a file name).

    "id": "141524020",
    "name": "Muhammad Saiful Islam",
    "batch": "2014",
    "graduated": true,
    "accounts": {
        "codeforces": "saifulwebid",
        "kattis": "saifulwebid"

However, I'm still unsure on the data structure. Feel free to discuss.

Also, in my opinion, we should store our participations in various programming competitions. This should be stored in a separate JSON file, and will be discussed in #8.

saifulwebid commented 3 years ago

Future contributors: please follow #13 to contribute on solving this issue.