jtlovell / GENESPACE

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Gaps not recognized when building contig map #114

Closed hanmueller96 closed 1 year ago

hanmueller96 commented 1 year ago

When building contig maps, it seems as though GENESPACE is not finding gaps. I have confirmed that there are gaps for each contig in the .fasta file, but this does not translate when building the contig map.

This is the output of print(lapply(genomeGrs, head))

GRanges object with 0 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
   seqnames    ranges strand
      <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
  seqinfo: 26 sequences from an unspecified genome

GRanges object with 6 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
        seqnames     ranges strand
           <Rle>  <IRanges>  <Rle>
  [1] scaffold_1 1-27316886      *
  [2] scaffold_2 1-25469394      *
  [3] scaffold_3 1-24508975      *
  [4] scaffold_4 1-24030051      *
  [5] scaffold_5 1-22507561      *
  [6] scaffold_6 1-19840655      *
  seqinfo: 26 sequences from an unspecified genome

GRanges object with 6 ranges and 1 metadata column:
        seqnames            ranges strand |    position
           <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>
  [1] scaffold_1           4-14657      * |        left
  [2] scaffold_1       23850-24179      * |        left
  [3] scaffold_1       24687-25167      * |        left
  [4] scaffold_2            7-2262      * |        left
  [5] scaffold_2         2788-3025      * |        left
  [6] scaffold_2 25453885-25455888      * |       right
  seqinfo: 26 sequences from an unspecified genome

Here is the script I'm using:


faFile <- ("yahs.out_scaffolds_final.fa")
dnaSS <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(faFile)

ns <- names(dnaSS)
#ns <- ns[!grepl("unlocalized|RANDOM", ns) & # drop chrs with these terms
           #grepl("GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly", ns)] # keep chrs with these
dnaSS <- dnaSS[ns]

# -- parse the chromosome names so they are better for plotting ...
#names(dnaSS) <- sapply(names(dnaSS), function(x) strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][[5]])
#names(dnaSS) <- gsub(",", "", names(dnaSS), fixed = T)

plantTelomereKmers <- "TTTAGGG"
genomeGrs <- find_contigsGapsTelos(
  dnass = dnaSS,
  teloKmers = plantTelomereKmers,
  maxDistBtwTelo = 500,
  minTeloSize = 100,
  minTeloDens = .5,
  maxDist2end = 50e3,
  minChrSize = 1e6, 
  minContigGapSize = 1000)

print(lapply(genomeGrs, head))

  cgt = genomeGrs,
  nColors = 20,
  palette = viridis::viridis)

Please let me know if there are any additional files or snippets I can provide that might be helpful! Thank you!

hanmueller96 commented 1 year ago

Oops! I changed the minContigGapSize and that resolved my issue! Thank you