jtlovell / GENESPACE

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Showing smaller contigs #115

Closed johannesnicolaus closed 1 year ago

johannesnicolaus commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the really nice package!

I have a problem where my some of the smaller contigs are not seen. I am working with a compact genome and so the Y chromosomes are very small, is there a way to show them? Is there a threshold somewhere that I can edit?

JKing2000 commented 1 year ago

I think what you are looking for can be achieved by changing the "minChrLen2plot" setting, described in section 3.5 of the tutorial here: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/jtlovell/tutorials/blob/main/riparianGuide.html

johannesnicolaus commented 1 year ago

I think what you are looking for can be achieved by changing the "minChrLen2plot" setting, described in section 3.5 of the tutorial here: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/jtlovell/tutorials/blob/main/riparianGuide.html

I don't know how i missed that! Thank you so much!!

johannesnicolaus commented 1 year ago

I don't know if I should reopen this issue, but I changed minChrLen2plot to 0, but some of the contigs were still not visible, is there any other argument that I should change? I checked combBed.txt and the contigs seem to also be present...

JKing2000 commented 1 year ago

I think this is because the smaller Y contigs do not have synteny with anything and are therefore not plotted. The Y can be quite different between species.

With that being said, I would be interested to know from the owner if there is an option to provide a list of specific Chromosome/contigs from each species to plot even if it doesn't have synteny with any thing else, perhaps have them plotted at the right-most position for each species.

I would appreciate it if you could keep this thread open so that the owner can see it, thanks.

johannesnicolaus commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I'm still new and not too familiar to this kind of analysis. I'm currently analyzing cryptic species which in principle should have some degree of synteny. For example, I see synteny on the Y chromosome for 2/3 species.

Edit: I changed the refGenome to the other species and now the Y chromosome appears...

jtlovell commented 1 year ago

Thanks @JKing2000 ... that is an accurate response. I am in the process of writing another riparian plotting function to handle whole-genome windowed alignments. This will for sure keep all chromosomes, regardless of synteny. However, I do not envision modifying the current plot_riparian to keep all chromosomes, as the point of that function is to track synteny.

I'll tag this thread when I update the new functions, but I doubt this will be until the fall sometime.