jtothebell / fake-08

A Pico-8 player/emulator for console homebrew
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Some specific sound issues #156

Open benwiley4000 opened 2 years ago

benwiley4000 commented 2 years ago

I know sound is a known issue, I just thought I would bring up a specific use case to see if anything can be helped. Thanks in advance!

A game I made, Sk8Border (https://sk8border.com) seems to run great visually and interactively on Fake-08 (I'm running on Miyoo Mini 2) however the sound is funny, specifically the music. The weirdness of the individual sounds can be overlooked, however one thing that definitely seems to not work well is switching between music blocks. The tempo stays constant and music progresses to different sections when events happen in the game, however sometimes it ends up in the wrong place. You can see the difference by playing the game in a web browser or Pico-8 desktop, versus in Fake-08. The main gameplay lasts around a minute after completing the tutorial once, so it should be quickly apparent.

I'm attaching a cart image.

sk8border p8

ShadowDrakken commented 11 months ago

I'm experiencing similar issues with my game. In particular, instrument 6 (Noise) with the "Noiz" filter enabled sounds particular bad and far from matching the web player or desktop player.