jtran6 / total-rp

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List out some more drugs? crafting special drugs? #10

Open mrvapr opened 2 years ago

bananahammock1 commented 2 years ago

weed meth heroine coke/crack ecstasy/ lsd/ molly/ shrooms

jtran6 commented 2 years ago

can be found in qb-core shared.lua

jtran6 commented 2 years ago
["weed_white-widow"]             = {["name"] = "weed_white-widow",              ["label"] = "White Widow 2g",           ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-baggie.png",          ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed bag with 2g White Widow"},
    ["weed_skunk"]                   = {["name"] = "weed_skunk",                    ["label"] = "Skunk 2g",                 ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-baggie.png",          ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed bag with 2g Skunk"},
    ["weed_purple-haze"]             = {["name"] = "weed_purple-haze",              ["label"] = "Purple Haze 2g",           ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-baggie.png",          ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed bag with 2g Purple Haze"},
    ["weed_og-kush"]                 = {["name"] = "weed_og-kush",                  ["label"] = "OGKush 2g",                ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-baggie.png",          ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed bag with 2g OG Kush"},
    ["weed_amnesia"]                 = {["name"] = "weed_amnesia",                  ["label"] = "Amnesia 2g",               ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-baggie.png",          ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed bag with 2g Amnesia"},
    ["weed_ak47"]                    = {["name"] = "weed_ak47",                     ["label"] = "AK47 2g",                  ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-baggie.png",          ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed bag with 2g AK47"},
    ["weed_white-widow_seed"]        = {["name"] = "weed_white-widow_seed",         ["label"] = "White Widow Seed",         ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-plant-seed.png",      ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed seed of White Widow"},
    ["weed_skunk_seed"]              = {["name"] = "weed_skunk_seed",               ["label"] = "Skunk Seed",               ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-plant-seed.png",      ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed seed of Skunk"},
    ["weed_purple-haze_seed"]        = {["name"] = "weed_purple-haze_seed",         ["label"] = "Purple Haze Seed",         ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-plant-seed.png",      ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed seed of Purple Haze"},
    ["weed_og-kush_seed"]            = {["name"] = "weed_og-kush_seed",             ["label"] = "OGKush Seed",              ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-plant-seed.png",      ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed seed of OG Kush"},
    ["weed_amnesia_seed"]            = {["name"] = "weed_amnesia_seed",             ["label"] = "Amnesia Seed",             ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-plant-seed.png",      ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed seed of Amnesia"},
    ["weed_ak47_seed"]               = {["name"] = "weed_ak47_seed",                ["label"] = "AK47 Seed",                ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-plant-seed.png",      ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A weed seed of AK47"},
    ["empty_weed_bag"]               = {["name"] = "empty_weed_bag",                ["label"] = "Empty Weed Bag",           ["weight"] = 0,         ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed-empty-bag.png",       ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A empty bag for weed buds"},
    ["weed_nutrition"]               = {["name"] = "weed_nutrition",                ["label"] = "Plant Fertilizer",         ["weight"] = 2000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed_nutrition.png",       ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Plant nutrition"},
jtran6 commented 2 years ago
["weed_brick"]                   = {["name"] = "weed_brick",                    ["label"] = "Weed Brick",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "weed_brick.png",           ["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = false,    ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "1KG Weed Brick to sell to large customers."},
    ["coke_brick"]                   = {["name"] = "coke_brick",                    ["label"] = "Coke Brick",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "coke_brick.png",           ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Heavy package of cocaine, mostly used for deals and takes a lot of space."},
    ["coke_small_brick"]             = {["name"] = "coke_small_brick",              ["label"] = "Coke Package",             ["weight"] = 350,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "coke_small_brick.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "A lot of grams cocaine, mostly used for deals and takes a lot of space."},
jtran6 commented 2 years ago

["rolling_paper"] = {["name"] = "rolling_paper", ["label"] = "Rolling Paper", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "rolling_paper.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = {accept = {"weed_white-widow", "weed_skunk", "weed_purple-haze", "weed_og-kush", "weed_amnesia", "weed_ak47"}, reward = "joint", anim = {["dict"] = "anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_high_dry@", ["lib"] = "weed_inspecting_high_base_inspector", ["text"] = "Rolling joint", ["timeOut"] = 5000,}}, ["description"] = "This is a placeholder description"},

jtran6 commented 2 years ago
["ephedrine"]                    = {["name"] = "ephedrine",                     ["label"] = "Ephedrine",                ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "chemical1.png",            ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "make some meth"},
    ["hydrochloricacid"]             = {["name"] = "hydrochloricacid",              ["label"] = "Hydrochloric Acid",        ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "chemical1.png",            ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "make some meth"},
    ["acetone"]                      = {["name"] = "acetone",                       ["label"] = "Acetone",                  ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "chemical2.png",            ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "make some meth"},
    ["puremeth"]                     = {["name"] = "puremeth",                      ["label"] = "Pure Meth",                ["weight"] = 100,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "meth10g.png",              ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Sell some Meth"},
    ["meth"]                         = {["name"] = "meth",                          ["label"] = "Meth",                     ["weight"] = 100,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "meth10g.png",              ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Sell some Meth"},
    ["methtray"]                     = {["name"] = "methtray",                      ["label"] = "Meth Tray",                ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "methbrick.png",            ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = false,    ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "make some meth"},
    ["puremethtray"]                 = {["name"] = "puremethtray",                  ["label"] = "Pure Meth Tray",           ["weight"] = 200,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "methbrick.png",            ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = false,    ["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "make some meth"},
jtran6 commented 2 years ago

["cocaleaf"] = {["name"] = "cocaleaf", ["label"] = "Cocaine Leaf", ["weight"] = 200, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cocaineleaf.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Make that white girl"},