jtran6 / total-rp

A QB-Core Based FiveM Server
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gun balancing #11

Open mrvapr opened 3 years ago

jtran6 commented 3 years ago

all guns can be found in qb-core shared,lua

jtran6 commented 3 years ago
    ["weapon_unarmed"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_unarmed",                ["label"] = "Fists",                    ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "placeholder.png",          ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "Fisticuffs"},
    ["weapon_knife"]                 = {["name"] = "weapon_knife",                  ["label"] = "Knife",                    ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_knife.png",         ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An instrument composed of a blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon"},
    ["weapon_nightstick"]            = {["name"] = "weapon_nightstick",             ["label"] = "Nightstick",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_nightstick.png",    ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A police officer's club or billy"},
    ["weapon_hammer"]                = {["name"] = "weapon_hammer",                 ["label"] = "Hammer",                   ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_hammer.png",        ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "Used for jobs such as breaking things (legs) and driving in nails"},
    ["weapon_bat"]                   = {["name"] = "weapon_bat",                    ["label"] = "Bat",                      ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_bat.png",           ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "Used for hitting a ball in sports (or other things)"},
    ["weapon_golfclub"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_golfclub",               ["label"] = "Golfclub",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_golfclub.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A club used to hit the ball in golf"},
    ["weapon_crowbar"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_crowbar",                ["label"] = "Crowbar",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_crowbar.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An iron bar with a flattened end, used as a lever"},
    ["weapon_pistol"]                = {["name"] = "weapon_pistol",                 ["label"] = "Walther P99",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_pistol.png",        ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A small firearm designed to be held in one hand"},
    ["weapon_pistol_mk2"]            = {["name"] = "weapon_pistol_mk2",             ["label"] = "Pistol Mk II",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_pistol_mk2.png",    ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An upgraded small firearm designed to be held in one hand"},
    ["weapon_combatpistol"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_combatpistol",           ["label"] = "Combat Pistol",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_combatpistol.png",  ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A combat version small firearm designed to be held in one hand"},
    ["weapon_appistol"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_appistol",               ["label"] = "AP Pistol",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_appistol.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A small firearm designed to be held in one hand that is automatic"},
    ["weapon_pistol50"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_pistol50",               ["label"] = "Pistol .50 Cal",           ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_pistol50.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A .50 caliber firearm designed to be held with both hands"},
    ["weapon_microsmg"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_microsmg",               ["label"] = "Micro SMG",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SMG",              ["image"] = "weapon_microsmg.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A handheld lightweight machine gun"},
    ["weapon_smg"]                   = {["name"] = "weapon_smg",                    ["label"] = "SMG",                      ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SMG",              ["image"] = "weapon_smg.png",           ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A handheld lightweight machine gun"},
    ["weapon_assaultsmg"]            = {["name"] = "weapon_assaultsmg",             ["label"] = "Assault SMG",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SMG",              ["image"] = "weapon_assaultsmg.png",    ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An assault version of a handheld lightweight machine gun"},
    ["weapon_assaultrifle"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_assaultrifle",           ["label"] = "Assault Rifle",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_RIFLE",            ["image"] = "weapon_assaultrifle.png",  ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use"},
    ["weapon_carbinerifle"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_carbinerifle",           ["label"] = "Carbine Rifle",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_RIFLE",            ["image"] = "weapon_carbinerifle.png",  ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A lightweight automatic rifle"},
    ["weapon_advancedrifle"]         = {["name"] = "weapon_advancedrifle",          ["label"] = "Advanced Rifle",           ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_RIFLE",            ["image"] = "weapon_advancedrifle.png", ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An assault version of a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use"},
    ["weapon_mg"]                    = {["name"] = "weapon_mg",                     ["label"] = "Machinegun",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_MG",               ["image"] = "weapon_mg.png",            ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An automatic gun that fires bullets in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is pressed"},
    ["weapon_combatmg"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_combatmg",               ["label"] = "Combat MG",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_MG",               ["image"] = "weapon_combatmg.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A combat version of an automatic gun that fires bullets in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is pressed"},
    ["weapon_pumpshotgun"]           = {["name"] = "weapon_pumpshotgun",            ["label"] = "Pump Shotgun",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_pumpshotgun.png",   ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A pump-action smoothbore gun for firing small shot at short range"},
    ["weapon_sawnoffshotgun"]        = {["name"] = "weapon_sawnoffshotgun",         ["label"] = "Sawn-off Shotgun",         ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_sawnoffshotgun.png", ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A sawn-off smoothbore gun for firing small shot at short range"},
    ["weapon_assaultshotgun"]        = {["name"] = "weapon_assaultshotgun",         ["label"] = "Assault Shotgun",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_assaultshotgun.png", ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An assault version of asmoothbore gun for firing small shot at short range"},
    ["weapon_bullpupshotgun"]        = {["name"] = "weapon_bullpupshotgun",         ["label"] = "Bullpup Shotgun",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_bullpupshotgun.png", ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A compact smoothbore gun for firing small shot at short range"},
    ["weapon_stungun"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_stungun",                ["label"] = "Taser",                    ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_stungun.png",        ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A weapon firing barbs attached by wires to batteries, causing temporary paralysis"},
    ["weapon_sniperrifle"]           = {["name"] = "weapon_sniperrifle",            ["label"] = "Sniper Rifle",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SNIPER",           ["image"] = "weapon_sniperrifle.png",    ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A high-precision, long-range rifle"},
    ["weapon_heavysniper"]           = {["name"] = "weapon_heavysniper",            ["label"] = "Heavy Sniper",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SNIPER",           ["image"] = "weapon_heavysniper.png",    ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An upgraded high-precision, long-range rifle"},
    ["weapon_remotesniper"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_remotesniper",           ["label"] = "Remote Sniper",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SNIPER_REMOTE",    ["image"] = "weapon_remotesniper.png",   ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A portable high-precision, long-range rifle"},
    ["weapon_grenadelauncher"]       = {["name"] = "weapon_grenadelauncher",        ["label"] = "Grenade Launcher",         ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER",  ["image"] = "weapon_grenadelauncher.png", ["unique"] = true,    ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A weapon that fires a specially-designed large-caliber projectile, often with an explosive, smoke or gas warhead"},
    ["weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke"] = {["name"] = "weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke",  ["label"] = "Smoke Grenade Launcher",   ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER",  ["image"] = "weapon_smokegrenade.png",   ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A bomb that produces a lot of smoke when it explodes"},
    ["weapon_rpg"]                   = {["name"] = "weapon_rpg",                    ["label"] = "RPG",                      ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_RPG",              ["image"] = "weapon_rpg.png",           ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A rocket-propelled grenade launcher"},
    ["weapon_minigun"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_minigun",                ["label"] = "Minigun",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_MINIGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_minigun.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A portable machine gun consisting of a rotating cluster of six barrels and capable of variable rates of fire of up to 6,000 rounds per minute"},
    ["weapon_grenade"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_grenade",                ["label"] = "Grenade",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_grenade.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A handheld throwable bomb"},
    ["weapon_stickybomb"]            = {["name"] = "weapon_stickybomb",             ["label"] = "C4",                       ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_stickybomb.png",    ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An explosive charge covered with an adhesive that when thrown against an object sticks until it explodes"},
    ["weapon_smokegrenade"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_smokegrenade",           ["label"] = "Smoke Grenade",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_c4.png",            ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An explosive charge that can be remotely detonated"},
    ["weapon_bzgas"]                 = {["name"] = "weapon_bzgas",                  ["label"] = "BZ Gas",                   ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_bzgas.png",         ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A cannister of gas that causes extreme pain"},
    ["weapon_molotov"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_molotov",                ["label"] = "Molotov",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_molotov.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A crude bomb made of a bottle filled with a flammable liquid and fitted with a wick for lighting"},
    ["weapon_fireextinguisher"]      = {["name"] = "weapon_fireextinguisher",       ["label"] = "Fire Extinguisher",        ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_fireextinguisher.png",  ["unique"] = true,  ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A portable device that discharges a jet of water, foam, gas, or other material to extinguish a fire"},
    ["weapon_petrolcan"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_petrolcan",              ["label"] = "Petrol Can",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PETROLCAN",        ["image"] = "weapon_petrolcan.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A robust liquid container made from pressed steel"},
    ["weapon_briefcase"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_briefcase",              ["label"] = "Briefcase",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_briefcase.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A briefcase"},
    ["weapon_briefcase_02"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_briefcase_02",           ["label"] = "Briefcase",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_briefcase2.png",    ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A briefcase"},
    ["weapon_ball"]                  = {["name"] = "weapon_ball",                   ["label"] = "Ball",                     ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_BALL",             ["image"] = "weapon_ball.png",          ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game"},
    ["weapon_flare"]                 = {["name"] = "weapon_flare",                  ["label"] = "Flare pistol",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_FLARE",            ["image"] = "weapon_flare.png",         ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A small pyrotechnic devices used for illumination and signalling"},
    ["weapon_snspistol"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_snspistol",              ["label"] = "SNS Pistol",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_snspistol.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A very small firearm designed to be easily concealed"},
    ["weapon_bottle"]                = {["name"] = "weapon_bottle",                 ["label"] = "Broken Bottle",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_bottle.png",        ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A broken bottle"},
    ["weapon_gusenberg"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_gusenberg",              ["label"] = "Thompson SMG",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_MG",               ["image"] = "weapon_gusenberg.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An automatic rifle commonly referred to as a tommy gun"},
    ["weapon_specialcarbine"]        = {["name"] = "weapon_specialcarbine",         ["label"] = "Special Carbine",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_RIFLE",            ["image"] = "weapon_specialcarbine.png", ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An extremely versatile assault rifle for any combat situation"},
    ["weapon_heavypistol"]           = {["name"] = "weapon_heavypistol",            ["label"] = "Heavy Pistol",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_heavypistol.png",   ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A hefty firearm designed to be held in one hand (or attempted)"},
    ["weapon_bullpuprifle"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_bullpuprifle",           ["label"] = "Bullpup Rifle",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_RIFLE",            ["image"] = "weapon_bullpuprifle.png",  ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A compact automatic assault rifle"},
    ["weapon_dagger"]                = {["name"] = "weapon_dagger",                 ["label"] = "Dagger",                   ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_dagger.png",        ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A short knife with a pointed and edged blade, used as a weapon"},
    ["weapon_vintagepistol"]         = {["name"] = "weapon_vintagepistol",          ["label"] = "Vintage Pistol",           ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_vintagepistol.png", ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An antique firearm designed to be held in one hand"},
    ["weapon_firework"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_firework",               ["label"] = "Firework Launcher",        ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_firework.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A device containing gunpowder and other combustible chemicals that causes a spectacular explosion when ignited"},
    ["weapon_musket"]                = {["name"] = "weapon_musket",                 ["label"] = "Musket",                   ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_musket.png",        ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "An infantryman's light gun with a long barrel, typically smooth-bored, muzzleloading, and fired from the shoulder"},
    ["weapon_heavyshotgun"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_heavyshotgun",           ["label"] = "Heavy Shotgun",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_heavyshotgun.png",  ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A large smoothbore gun for firing small shot at short range"},
    ["weapon_marksmanrifle"]         = {["name"] = "weapon_marksmanrifle",          ["label"] = "Marksman Rifle",           ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SNIPER",           ["image"] = "weapon_marksmanrifle.png", ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A very accurate single-fire rifle"},
    ["weapon_hominglauncher"]        = {["name"] = "weapon_hominglauncher",         ["label"] = "Homing Launcher",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_STINGER",          ["image"] = "weapon_hominglauncher.png", ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A weapon fitted with an electronic device that enables it to find and hit a target"},
    ["weapon_proxmine"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_proxmine",               ["label"] = "Proxmine Grenade",         ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_proximitymine.png", ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A bomb placed on the ground that detonates when going within its proximity"},
    ["weapon_snowball"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_snowball",               ["label"] = "Snowball",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_snowball.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A ball of packed snow, especially one made for throwing at other people for fun"},
    ["weapon_flaregun"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_flaregun",               ["label"] = "Flare Gun",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_FLARE",            ["image"] = "weapon_flaregun.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A handgun for firing signal rockets"},
    ["weapon_garbagebag"]            = {["name"] = "weapon_garbagebag",             ["label"] = "Garbage Bag",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_garbagebag.png",    ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A garbage bag"},
    ["weapon_handcuffs"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_handcuffs",              ["label"] = "Handcuffs",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_handcuffs.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner's wrists"},
    ["weapon_combatpdw"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_combatpdw",              ["label"] = "Combat PDW",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SMG",              ["image"] = "weapon_combatpdw.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A combat version of a handheld lightweight machine gun"},
    ["weapon_marksmanpistol"]        = {["name"] = "weapon_marksmanpistol",         ["label"] = "Marksman Pistol",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_marksmanpistol.png", ["unique"] = true,     ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A very accurate small firearm designed to be held in one hand"},
    ["weapon_knuckle"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_knuckle",                ["label"] = "Knuckle",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_knuckle.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A metal guard worn over the knuckles in fighting, especially to increase the effect of the blows"},
    ["weapon_hatchet"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_hatchet",                ["label"] = "Hatchet",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_hatchet.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A small axe with a short handle for use in one hand"},
    ["weapon_railgun"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_railgun",                ["label"] = "Railgun",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_railgun.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A weapon that uses electromagnetic force to launch high velocity projectiles"},
    ["weapon_machete"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_machete",                ["label"] = "Machete",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_machete.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A broad, heavy knife used as a weapon"},
    ["weapon_machinepistol"]         = {["name"] = "weapon_machinepistol",          ["label"] = "Tec-9",                    ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_machinepistol.png", ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A self-loading pistol capable of burst or fully automatic fire"},
    ["weapon_switchblade"]           = {["name"] = "weapon_switchblade",            ["label"] = "Switchblade",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_switchblade.png",   ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A knife with a blade that springs out from the handle when a button is pressed"},
    ["weapon_revolver"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_revolver",               ["label"] = "Revolver",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_PISTOL",           ["image"] = "weapon_revolver.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A pistol with revolving chambers enabling several shots to be fired without reloading"},
    ["weapon_dbshotgun"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_dbshotgun",              ["label"] = "Double-barrel Shotgun",    ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_dbshotgun.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A shotgun with two parallel barrels, allowing two single shots to be fired in quick succession"},
    ["weapon_compactrifle"]          = {["name"] = "weapon_compactrifle",           ["label"] = "Compact Rifle",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_RIFLE",            ["image"] = "weapon_compactrifle.png",  ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A compact version of an assault rifle"},
    ["weapon_autoshotgun"]           = {["name"] = "weapon_autoshotgun",            ["label"] = "Auto Shotgun",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SHOTGUN",          ["image"] = "weapon_autoshotgun.png",   ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A shotgun capable of rapid continous fire"},
    ["weapon_battleaxe"]             = {["name"] = "weapon_battleaxe",              ["label"] = "Battle Axe",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_battleaxe.png",     ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A large broad-bladed axe used in ancient warfare"},
    ["weapon_compactlauncher"]       = {["name"] = "weapon_compactlauncher",        ["label"] = "Compact Launcher",         ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_compactlauncher.png",   ["unique"] = true,  ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A compact grenade launcher"},
    ["weapon_minismg"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_minismg",                ["label"] = "Mini SMG",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = "AMMO_SMG",              ["image"] = "weapon_minismg.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A mini handheld lightweight machine gun"},
    ["weapon_pipebomb"]              = {["name"] = "weapon_pipebomb",               ["label"] = "Pipe Bomb",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_pipebomb.png",      ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A homemade bomb, the components of which are contained in a pipe"},
    ["weapon_poolcue"]               = {["name"] = "weapon_poolcue",                ["label"] = "Poolcue",                  ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_poolcue.png",       ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A stick used to strike a ball, usually the cue ball (or other things)"},
    ["weapon_wrench"]                = {["name"] = "weapon_wrench",                 ["label"] = "Wrench",                   ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_wrench.png",        ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A tool used for gripping and turning nuts, bolts, pipes, etc"},
    ["weapon_bread"]                 = {["name"] = "weapon_bread",                  ["label"] = "Baquette",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "baquette.png",             ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "Bread..?"},
    ["weapon_flashlight"]            = {["name"] = "weapon_flashlight",             ["label"] = "Flashlight",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "weapon",    ["ammotype"] = nil,                     ["image"] = "weapon_flashlight.png",    ["unique"] = true,      ["useable"] = false,    ["description"] = "A battery-operated portable light"},

    ["pistol_defaultclip"]           = {["name"] = "pistol_defaultclip",            ["label"] = "Pistol Clip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Pistol Default Clip"},
    ["pistol_extendedclip"]          = {["name"] = "pistol_extendedclip",           ["label"] = "Pistol EXT Clip",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Pistol Extended Clip"},
    ["pistol_flashlight"]            = {["name"] = "pistol_flashlight",             ["label"] = "Pistol Flashlight",        ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "smg_flashlight.png",       ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Pistol Flashlight Attachment"},
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    ["pistol_luxuryfinish"]          = {["name"] = "pistol_luxuryfinish",           ["label"] = "Pistol Finish",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Pistol Luxury Finish"},
    ["combatpistol_defaultclip"]     = {["name"] = "combatpistol_defaultclip",      ["label"] = "Pistol Clip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Combat Pistol Default Clip"},
    ["combatpistol_extendedclip"]    = {["name"] = "combatpistol_extendedclip",     ["label"] = "Pistol EXT Clip",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Combat Pistol Extended Clip"},
    ["combatpistol_luxuryfinish"]    = {["name"] = "combatpistol_luxuryfinish",     ["label"] = "Pistol Finish",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Combat Pistol Luxury Finish"},
    ["appistol_defaultclip"]         = {["name"] = "appistol_defaultclip",          ["label"] = "Pistol Clip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "APPistol Default Clip"},
    ["appistol_extendedclip"]        = {["name"] = "appistol_extendedclip",         ["label"] = "Pistol EXT Clip",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "APPistol Extended Clip"},
    ["appistol_luxuryfinish"]        = {["name"] = "appistol_luxuryfinish",         ["label"] = "Pistol Finish",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "APPistol Luxury Finish"},
    ["pistol50_defaultclip"]         = {["name"] = "pistol50_defaultclip",          ["label"] = "Pistol Clip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ".50 Pistol Default Clip"},
    ["pistol50_extendedclip"]        = {["name"] = "pistol50_extendedclip",         ["label"] = "Pistol EXT Clip",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ".50 Pistol Extended Clip"},
    ["pistol50_luxuryfinish"]        = {["name"] = "pistol50_luxuryfinish",         ["label"] = "Pistol Finish",            ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ".50 Pistol Luxury Finish"},
    ["revolver_defaultclip"]         = {["name"] = "revolver_defaultclip",          ["label"] = "Pistol Clip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Revovler Default Clip"},
    ["revolver_vipvariant"]          = {["name"] = "revolver_vipvariant",           ["label"] = "Pistol Variant",           ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Revovler Variant"},
    ["revolver_bodyguardvariant"]    = {["name"] = "revolver_bodyguardvariant",     ["label"] = "Pistol Variant",           ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Revovler Variant"},
    ["snspistol_defaultclip"]        = {["name"] = "snspistol_defaultclip",         ["label"] = "Pistol Clip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "SNS Pistol Default Clip"},
    ["snspistol_extendedclip"]       = {["name"] = "snspistol_extendedclip",        ["label"] = "Pistol EXT Clip",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "SNS Pistol Extended Clip"},
    ["snspistol_grip"]               = {["name"] = "snspistol_grip",                ["label"] = "Pistol Grip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "SNS Pistol Grip Attachment"},
    ["heavypistol_defaultclip"]      = {["name"] = "heavypistol_defaultclip",       ["label"] = "Pistol Clip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Heavy Pistol Default Clip"},
    ["heavypistol_extendedclip"]     = {["name"] = "heavypistol_extendedclip",      ["label"] = "Pistol EXT Clip",          ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Heavy Pistol Extended Clip"},
    ["heavypistol_grip"]             = {["name"] = "heavypistol_grip",              ["label"] = "Pistol Grip",              ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Heavy Pistol Grip Attachment"},
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    ["smg_defaultclip"]              = {["name"] = "smg_defaultclip",               ["label"] = "SMG Clip",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "SMG Default Clip"},
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    ["smg_drum"]                     = {["name"] = "smg_drum",                      ["label"] = "SMG Drum",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "rifle_drummag.png",        ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "SMG Drum"},
    ["smg_scope"]                    = {["name"] = "smg_scope",                     ["label"] = "SMG Scope",                ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "smg_scope.png",            ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "SMG Scope Attachment"},
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    ["assaultsmg_luxuryfinish"]      = {["name"] = "assaultsmg_luxuryfinish",       ["label"] = "SMG Finish",               ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_suppressor.png",    ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Assault SMG Luxury Finish"},
    ["minismg_defaultclip"]          = {["name"] = "minismg_defaultclip",           ["label"] = "SMG Clip",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Mini SMG Default Clip"},
    ["minismg_extendedclip"]         = {["name"] = "minismg_extendedclip",          ["label"] = "SMG EXT Clip",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Mini SMG Extended Clip"},
    ["machinepistol_defaultclip"]    = {["name"] = "machinepistol_defaultclip",     ["label"] = "SMG Clip",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Machine Pistol Default Clip"},
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    ["combatpdw_defaultclip"]        = {["name"] = "combatpdw_defaultclip",         ["label"] = "SMG Clip",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Combat PDW Default Clip"},
    ["combatpdw_extendedclip"]       = {["name"] = "combatpdw_extendedclip",        ["label"] = "SMG EXT Clip",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Combat PDW Extended Clip"},
    ["combatpdw_drum"]               = {["name"] = "combatpdw_drum",                ["label"] = "SMG Drum",                 ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "rifle_drummag.png",        ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Combat PDW Drum"},
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    ["assaultshotgun_extendedclip"]  = {["name"] = "assaultshotgun_extendedclip",   ["label"] = "Shotgun EXT Clip",         ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Assault Shotgun Extended Clip"},
    ["heavyshotgun_defaultclip"]     = {["name"] = "heavyshotgun_defaultclip",      ["label"] = "Shotgun Clip",             ["weight"] = 1000,      ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "pistol_extendedclip.png",  ["unique"] = false,         ["useable"] = true,     ["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Heavy Shotgun Default Clip"},
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